Just Moved! strives to equip and encourage women who move through personal contact, Moving On After Moving In classes, newsletters, books, videos, seminars, conferences and prayer support. We are a non-denominational, outreach ministry that is committed to the spiritual growth and emotional well-being of women going through the transition and adjustment to a move.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Moving Makeover
Just Moved volunteer and long-time friend of Just Moved, Karin Kreisel, recently gave Susan Miller's office a much-needed facelift. Karin is a gifted designer and has brought her decorative flare to many Just Moved events over the years. Redecorating Susan's office was one more way that she has been a blessing to Susan and to this ministry.
We asked Karin to share a few of her best decorating tips. Here they are for you to use to add a fresh look to any room in your home or office (along with photos of the beautiful results in Susan's office).
1. Be daring... paint a room with 2 colors, one wall darker as an accent wall. If you don't like
it, you can always repaint it later. Paint is the cheapest way to redecorate for a new, fresh, updated look!
2. Repurpose... take everything out of the room and put things back in a different place, or for a different purpose. (A basket of magazines can hold a plant instead.) Don't feel like you have to use everything. Go for an uncluttered look. Simple is better.
3. Buy large artwork or pictures. Don't make the mistake of buying artwork that is too small for a large wall. Think big!
4. Hang pictures at eye level. People usually hang pictures too high.
5. Go for a solid sofa color and accent with print pillows. You can change out colors easily with different pillows.
6. Try uplighting to cast a lighting effect on plants or pictures. Use a spotlight or lamp that shines up from the floor to feature an object.
7. Make bookshelves interesting. Stack books horizontally and vertically. Place a picture or an object on a shelf beside books or on top of books stacked horizontally.
8. Add a throw rug to tie it all together. A rug brings warmth and intimacy to a large or small room.
A Moving Story
Rebekah in CA
The transition is going exactly like so many of the testimonies I have read online. We moved from Vermont to California, with two little girls and a teenage son. I left my two best friends since 5th grade and most of my family. I am so fortunate to have a wonderful sister, however, that lives 30 minutes away!!
Of course, I am lonely. The paragraph in that newsletter (Just Moved Bloom, Vol. I, issue 3) regarding friendship just hit me like a ton of bricks -- it captured perfectly what I have been feeling and I felt so validated. It's the part about being out of step with the world when you don't have those intimate friendships you long for. Nothing was solved by reading it, but I felt less burdened because someone out there understood.
There are two things I have underestimated in moving. One is that the feelings of loneliness are very similar to postpartum depression feelings. If you have ever suffered from that you will know it's awful. It's not just loneliness -- it's almost an irrational emptiness feeling that absolutely nothing but Jesus can fill.
The second thing that is difficult is that when you move and make such an enormous transition, it would be nice to have someone to share all of that with, to share what you miss, etc. But because you moved, you don't know anyone and so you can't share. I have to keep so much bottled up inside. No one cares that Vermont has better this or better that. No one really understands. I see now how I missed some opportunities in Vermont to minister to new people. I just had no idea! So that has been a real challenge for me. Again, the answer is Jesus. He will listen to me, and He will even groan and cry for me and with me.
I'm so glad I found Just Moved. I really want to start a group here but I feel quite unqualified. I figure I need to read the book first at least! But I really want to. Thanks so much for your service. This organization is truly a blessing.
(Editor: when God stirs a desire in your heart it is natural to feel unqualified. He will enable you for that which He has called you! We help every step of the way and starting a Moving On After Moving In group can be the best way for you to find friends and grow in your faith while offering the life line that another new mover needs! Call (480.991.5268; M-Th, 9am-4pm, MST) or email us at info@justmoved.org to find out more.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Devotional-Sept. 2011
When hurricane Irene hit the coast and continued on its rampage, nothing was sacred. The winds and the floods came to uproot lives, homes, yards and trees. That's what hurricanes do so well. They change the landscape of our lives, our cities, and our small towns. They shake our foundation and leave behind a pathway of destruction. People desperately seek the safety and protection of shelter through someone's provision and kindness.
There are times when you experience your own personal hurricane. The winds of change uproot your life, leaving little hope for what tomorrow will bring. You feel vulnerable and alone, desperately wanting someone to understand and to care.
God is your firm foundation when your world has been shaken. He is your shelter, your refuge, and your protection in the storms of life. His arm is out-stretched; His hand is open-waiting to give you a safe place in His arms.
Scripture to Remember:
"Thou has been my stronghold, and a refuge in the day of my distress." Psalm 59:16
"He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken." Psalm 62:2
"I would hasten to my place of refuge from the stormy wind...." Psalm 55:8
Question to Consider:
When my life is uprooted with the winds of change, what will I do?
Oh Lord, "Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61:2
Thought for the Day:
I will run to Him before the storm hits!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Heart Notes
Summer has come and gone now, vacations are over, school has started, and the rhythm of routines and schedules have begun to structure our lives again. Cherished memories of summer with family and friends are etched in our minds, and pictures that captured the moment, or the smile, have become a treasure in our hearts.
The memories I hold most dear this summer were spent with my six grandchildren and their parents. My daughter and I held our traditional "Cousins Camp" in cool northern Arizona at our small retreat center, better known as a two bedroom (plus loft) townhouse. I fixed 12 gallons of lemonade, made 36 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, 6 dozen chocolate chip cookies, found 12 missing shoes, fixed an overflowing toilet 4 times, took 125 pictures, and said "wash your hands," at least 6 times a day.
I do believe my daughter can fix mac n' cheese and chicken nuggets 10 different ways! I set up "Nana's Nail Salon" on our deck, and painted nails for my three granddaughters and their friends for a whole morning. My three grandsons and their friends played board games on our deck for hours of entertainment. Kick-ball was a late afternoon ritual, with a growing number of kids participating every day. Even the parents would gather to watch. Bunk beds and sleeping bags filled the loft, giggles were heard and games were played until "lights out" echoed up the stairs. I could go on and on....
The best thing for you and me to do, now that summer is over, is to pull our memory treasures out anytime during a hectic day, or a busy schedule, and reflect on the special times and people that made the summer so memorable. We can look at our pictures, share them with family and friends, and recount the stories as vivid and real as when they happened.
With September here, I hope you "fall" in love with Jesus all the more. Remember His faithfulness, recount His story, and share Him with your friends.
From My Heart to Yours,
Susan Miller
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Just Moved Community
Join now!
The Just Moved Community grew out of a vision to help women around the world who have recently moved to find the connection that they long for. The Just Moved Community will help to give you the courage to start over, move ahead, and put down roots all over again.
More women are joining every day. Here's what one woman wrote after joining:
I was unsure about joining the Community, but now I see that this is a real community of people that truly care. I thank you so much for taking out the time to call and send me an email it made me feel like someone actually cares about the transition I am about to embark on.
Joining the Just Moved Community is FREE
Here are the benefits that you'll enjoy as a member of the Just Moved Community:
A FREE copy of the New Neighbor's Pocket Guide, available exclusively through Just Moved Ministry. This 40-page booklet is filled with encouragement, tips, insights, scripture, and prayers for the entire process of a move. Written by Susan Miller.
A personal welcome from someone who cares at Just Moved Ministry. We encourage you to register a phone number to receive a one-time call of welcome and for you to share any prayer requests.
The Bloom newsletter sent directly to your home.
Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about letting go, starting over, and moving ahead with your life after a move
Free download of all 22 Just Moved radio broadcasts.
Access to the Just Moved Library -- a wealth of encouragement and devotions, moving tips, and moving stories.
Prayer Support from the Just Moved Prayer Team.
Go to www.justmoved.org to learn more!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Who We Are & What We Do
Who we are and what we do...
Whether your move was a welcome opportunity or a dreaded event, you face tremendous change and the daunting task of starting over in a new place. Just Moved Ministry is committed to the spiritual growth and emotional well-being of women who are uprooted due to a move. Through biblical teaching and personal support, we are committed to prepare, encourage, and equip a woman to let go of the past, rebuild hope, and embrace her new life when she moves.
Uprooted women everywhere contact Just Moved Ministry for personal encouragement and turn to JustMoved.org for helpful resources, inspiration, encouragement, prayer support, and an online community.
Churches, seminaries, and corporations in the U.S. and military installations around the world offer the Moving On After Moving In Bible study based on Susan Miller's bestseller, After the Boxes are Unpacked; Moving On After Moving In, in an effort to encourage and enfold newcomers. The study guides women through the emotional stages of a move, helps them become aware of opportunities for spiritual growth, and provides a rewarding way for them to connect in their new community.
For those who choose to start a Moving On After Moving In study, Just Moved Ministry provides all of the necessary materials, leader newsletters, and one-on-one support to make the study a success.
Susan Miller, America's Moving Coach® and President of Just Moved Ministry, is invited to speak nationally and internationally at women's events, leadership conferences, military installations, and for corporations that relocate their employees.
For Susan Miller's speaking availability, email: susanmiller@justmoved.org
For more information about all of our resources...
Explore JustMoved.org
Call Just Moved Ministry in Arizona: 480.991.5268
Email Just Moved Ministry: info@justmoved.org
Write to: Just Moved Ministry, 8010 E. Morgan Trail, Suite 7, Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Send us your moving story and survival tips. Sign up for our mailing list by sending us your mailing and email addresses.
Monday, August 15, 2011
A Moving Makeover
Read more Moving Makeovers
August 2011
At-Home Spa Treatments: Relax Without Having To Pay The Bill
This article originally appeared on LearnVest.com
It may sound more efficient than effective to spread something on your face that you can also pack for lunch, but there are tons of reasons why whipping up a homemade beauty recipe is smarter than splurging on a store-bought product.
What's On The Menu
A lot of what makes store-bought products so expensive is the packaging, says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home. According to Cox, three bucks worth of ingredients from the grocery can produce a DIY treatment with the same effect as a $300 professional facial. (She told us that simple yogurt blended with fresh fruit into a facial works as well as a $34 Guinot exfoliating mask.) For more homemade beauty recipes, Helena Van Zandbergen, a celeb hairstylist who has worked everywhere from runways to reality shows, recommends Pioneer Thinking.
Why DIY Is So Appetizing
In addition to being cheap, anything you make at home (unless you're a chemist) will be 100% natural. The fact that homemade products don't include any ingredients you can't pronounce is especially good news for anyone with sensitive skin, those who want to go completely green, and those worried about animal testing. Plus, the recipes are time-tested and proven effective. Jorge Malo of the handmade beauty care line Fasanis jokes, "There's a reason Cleopatra used that mud for her face and body back in the day."
Your Shopping List
Almond Oil
1. Janice Cox's Basic Oatmeal Mask
Mix together ½ cup cooked oatmeal, one whole egg, and one tablespoon of almond oil. Spread it on your face and leave for 15 minutes. (A berry garnish is optional.)
2. Avocado As Moisturizer
Lather avocado on dry, sun-exposed skin for a rush of moisture-make sure that your avocado fruit is fully ripe. We know some people who use the inside of the avocado skin for its moisturizing oils. To do so, rub the inner layers of the avocado peel against your face, leave on for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
3. The Case For Vinegar
Van Zandbergen says that occasionally rinsing hair with vinegar is a great way to add shine. It's also an ideal pedicure ingredient, Cox added, since its acidity zaps dead skin.
4. Homemade Hair Conditioner
Pioneer Thinking came up with this recipe for hair conditioner: Beat an egg yolk until it's frothy, add one teaspoon of baby oil, and one cup of water. Massage through scalp and rinse.
5. Avocado-Based Hair Conditioner
Craving guacamole? Try this conditioner instead: Mix one mashed avocado with coconut milk until thick. Comb through hair, leave on for 15 minutes, and rinse.
6. Creamy Honey Conditioner
Mix honey, mayonnaise, and egg together for a nourishing hair condition...and a heck of a potato salad base.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Tips for Moving On
My best advice after 14 moves...
I remember looking around at the first school program of the year; people were hugging, saying hello, just generally being friendly... while I sat there thinking, "I don't know a single person in this auditorium filled with several hundred parents." I decided that by the next school program, I was not going to feel like the lone ranger. So, I found out what the next big event was at the school and I volunteered to help in a big way, taking on the job that no one else wanted and gave it my best college try. My assignments grew and grew until... it was time to move again. But when I did, I cried and the many friends that I had made along the way cried too.
• If your child is having trouble connecting, know that other newbie's are struggling too.
• It's so important that a new student have a connection with someone on the first day of school. Start a program at the new school for "new" kids.
• I started a Sunday 'meet and greet' at the school two weeks prior to the first school day. It was like an open house on steroids with every new kid in the school attending, along with their parents. We had school ambassadors, a few teachers, the principal, along with several "old" parents to answer specific questions.
• I started a family picnic tradition at one. Its purpose was to introduce new families to returning families.
• Once I invited just my son's class and a few parents to a local kid hot spot right before school started so the new kids and their parents would have the opportunity to meet other kids in the class.
• These programs are still ongoing although we are long gone from the area. I started these programs for two reasons: my son needed to meet people and so did I.
• My best advice after 14 moves; smile, say hello, and stick out your hand to embrace the people around you. You will feel at home when you make others feel at home with you.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A Moving Story
Cathie in Alberta, Canada
I have just moved for the 20th time in 11 years and will be moving again in mid-October. I will be house-sitting for the next 6 months so travelling with suitcases and boxes. My life sure does have a number of twists and turns.
I was looking at some comments on your website and the following *prayer applies to my life right now...
Thank you, God, for the opportunities this move will bring.
It is a comfort to know that you have gone before me and prepared this place for me.
I am excited about my new beginnings; yet I am fearful about the unknown.
Calm my fear, Lord. Help me to put my expectations in you and not in people or places.
I give you the glory for the great things you will do through this transition in my life.
Above all, Lord, use this move to draw me closer to you.
The following comment was also made ...
God is good and he has great plans for your life and for my life. Sometimes the plans may seem a little unorthodox to others (I relate very well to this statement - Cathie), but in the grand scheme of things it will always work out. I believe it because God said it. (I believe that and have experienced it and AM experiencing it right now - Cathie)
At the moment I am doing a one-month fasting and praying because there are so many variables in my life right now and I have no stability in anything, except my relationship with Jesus Christ. So from a human perspective I am sometimes feeling like I can't breathe but then I just keep putting my trust in Jesus. The image that comes to mind, for my life right now, is that I am walking right behind Jesus. All I am doing is concentrating on His feet as He walks in front of me, sweeping a path so I can follow. I cannot see in front of him because there is no path, so I just keep watching His feet and walking in His steps.
I really am SO keen on Just Moved and feel I can relate so much. I am trusting the Lord to give me better insight in this month of fasting and praying as to what He wants me to do. If there is any ‘ministry' I would like to be involved with, it would be Just Moved.
*(Editor's note: Cathie is referring to the Quiet Reflections portion of our website.)
Friday, August 5, 2011
Devotional-Aug 2011
One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is a Christian foundation in which their roots can grow deep in the love of Jesus Christ. To be anchored in Christ is a basic security our children need for any transition in life. When they grow up, children will take with them the knowledge of Christ, which has been deeply rooted within. Sometimes they might take the wrong path in life, but our loving God always welcomes them back with open arms.
Here are some scriptures to guide you:
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)
And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)
So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord. (1 Samuel 1:28)
As you provide roots in Christ for your children, the next seven steps are vital to a strong foundation:
Principles of faith. Base your values on the word of God. (Colossians 2:6-7)
Pattern of life. Strive to live a life worthy of imitation that models God's design. (Ephesians 5: 1-2)
Persistence that is immovable. Don't give up. Don't let anything move you from what you believe. Be strong in your faith. (Ephesians 6:10, 14)
Participation. Feel what your children feel. Laugh when they laugh. Cry when they cry. Learn with them. (Romans 12:15)
Praise. Encourage them. Believe in them. Sing to them when they are small. Sing with them when they are grown. (Philippians 4:4-5)
Prayer. Let them see you pray, hear you pray, and watch you give God the credit for the results. (Philippians 4:6)
Planning. It's never too late. Plan on giving them roots and wings! (Isaiah 40:31, Deuteronomy 32:11)
(Excerpted from Susan Miller's book After the Boxes are Unpacked...)
Scripture to Remember: Choose one from above
Question to Consider: Which step(s) do you need to pass on to your children?
Prayer: Lord, I want to give my children a strong foundation in you. The best way I can do that is to model you in my actions, my words, and the choices I make. I know there will be days I will take three steps forward, and two steps back. Don't let me get discouraged. Walk with me, talk with me, and help me to keep my focus on you. Amen
Thought for the Day: Today I will model you, Jesus, in all I do!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Heart Talk
Dear Friends,
This is the time when moms and kids are heading for the school supplies aisle, stocking up on the things needed to prepare for school starting. As I watched them standing in line at the checkout counter with everything from backpacks to blue folders, my mind began to think outside the backpack to the "school supplies" we would need as we prepare to learn more about Jesus!
I do hope that all of you are planning to go back to school in the fall by enrolling in a Bible study, either at your church or a church in your area. It might even be a home study with a group of friends or a neighborhood group. If you are new to your community, consider starting a Moving On After Moving In small group in your home. What a great way to make new friends!
I encourage you to check it out now! We all need to reconnect after the disconnect of summer. We all need to get back to Jesus! (Make every effort to come to me soon.... 2 Timothy 4:9)
Here are a few "school supplies" you might need and suggestions for how to use them:
Bible (with a concordance to help you find verses)
Your instruction book for how to live life.
Paper (or notebook)
For notes and prayer requests, for scripture and remembrances of what you've learned.
Pen (or pencil)
To record your lessons in your mind and in your heart.
Super Glue (recommended)
To bond you with God's word.
Scissors (really sharp)
To cut out any thoughts or ways that would not honor or bring glory to God.
Folders (with pockets)
Tuck in handouts, keepsakes and lessons to enfold into your life.
Crayons (or colored pens)
To remind you of the many choices you have to color your day.
Ruler (yardstick recommended)
To measure your growth-in Jesus!
Apple (a really big one!)
God's provision and nourishment to share with others in friendship and fellowship.
May God lead you to a Bible study that will bless you and take you to a deeper knowledge and love for Him.
Please e-mail me at susanmiller@justmoved.org about what you learn in class this fall!
From My Heart to Yours,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Stars and Stripes Column
Terri Barnes, columnist for this important military newspaper, interviewed Susan for her insight in helping children adjust to a move. Go now...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Just Moved in the USA Weekend Edition!
Interviewed for Article in USA Weekend
Susan was interviewed for an article that appeared in the May 22nd issue of USA Weekend, a Sunday newspaper insert that is included in over 700 newspapers around the country. Click here to read the article!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Susan on Focus on the Family!
with Susan Miller
Click here to read Susan Miller's article, "Surviving the Stress of Moving", in the May issue of Thriving Family at Focus on the Family. Watch for an additional article by Susan on the Focus on the Family website during the month of June.
The Focus on the Family radio interview with Susan is scheduled to be broadcast July 12 & 13, 2011. Focus will follow with a live, streaming interview and call-in program with Susan on July 13, 2-3pm Eastern.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Summer Moving Special!!
Get both of Susan Miller's bestselling books for only $17,
plus $4 s&h
You save $7.70!
Just click HERE!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Moving Tips
Summer time and the livin' is far from easy... that is, if you're moving.
So how can we make the move a little easier on the kids? The following are some of Susan Miller's suggestions from her book, After the Boxes are Unpacked.
1. Christen Your New Home
Tie a big bow - one for each of your children on the front door. When the child cuts his or her bow, take a picture to put in your moving day scrapbook.
2. Create a Personal Calling Card
Type your new address and phone number in columns with a two-inch margin. Fold on lines above and below each address so you and the children can tear them off for friends.
3. Have a Family Party
All you need are cookies, punch, and conversation. Remember, conversation can be more refreshing than cookies and punch.
4. Don't Skip Breakfast
A good breakfast gives your kids the energy to start the day.
5. Personalize Your New Yard
Encourage your kids to plant seeds or flowers in the yard. Explain how we all have to root and grow in new soil.
6. Encourage Friendships
Encourage your children to invite friends home. You provide the pizza.
7. Daily Routines Provide Security
Establish a routine as quickly as possible.
8. Ask Before You Toss
Don't do away with old toys and familiar possessions. They may give your child a feeling of continuity.
9. Pride In Ownership
Let your child take part in decorating his or her room.
10. New Traditions
The old traditions are still very important to your family, however, a new house is a great time to add some new traditions.
11. Listen, Listen, Listen
Don't preach or teach, instead give your kids lots of hugs while you listen to what they're really saying.
12. Grieving Is Part of the Moving Process
Allow your children to mourn their losses in the move.
13. Get Them Involved
Ask neighbors or your church about a good youth program for your children to get involved with.
14. A Little Something Extra
Leave notes that say, "I love U" or "Have a great day!" and leave them in unexpected places where they'll be found by the kids.
15. Keep In Touch
Allow each child an opportunity call to a friend in his or her former town.
16. Stay Positive
Provide lots of reassurance for them.
17. Pray
Pray for your children every day.
18. Bedtime Routines
Tuck younger children in at bedtime. Don't be in a hurry, but allow them to open up about their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
19. Nourish their growth
Nourish their roots in Christ, family, and home.
20. Build Up Their Confidence
Give them wings of freedom to move forward in their journey of life.
(Another great resource from Susan Miller is her book, But Mom, I Don't Want to Move.)
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A Moving Story
How one transplant to Alabama had the support of new "sisters" when she least expected it
Kellie in Alabama
I have been so blessed with the Huntsville, AL [Moving On After Moving In] Group, under Pam Zavada's leadership at Cove United Methodist Church.
I am an Air Force spouse that was invited to join this group after moving from Georgia to Alabama. I did not live "local", about 25 minutes away; well over the mountain. With gas prices, I tried to talk myself out of joining the group, because I had moved 9 times in 15 years and really did not think I needed this group for "support". I had that all figured out, but the Lord kept stirring at my heart and one day He spoke to me and said, "Kellie, it's not about you this time, it's about others." I got it!! I was supposed to go there and encourage women who have moved for the first time or 10th time. I have been so blessed by this group. Last year I was invited to join the leadership team and help facilitate the group and it has been such a joy.
We had our graduation today and we do things "BIG" here in the south, as you know. We bought gerbera daisies and put a tag on each plant that said, "Bloom where you are planted." We purchased balloons - lots of balloons - and told them to fly now! And, of course they each got bookmarks and luggage tags. We had lots of tears today as we all shared how much this group has done for each of us personally.
Let me share what those little luggage tags did for me! As I said earlier, I am married to an officer in the Air Force that is a triathlete and, 5 months after moving in, my sweet husband had a blood clot in his calf and both lungs and was hospitalized. As he went in for his MRI I was all alone and no cell phone service available so I began to clean my purse out and there were all my luggage tags on the ring. I began to read all of the scriptures and pray, who would have thought little luggage tags would have meant so much!
Then when we went back to the ER the nurse said my sister was waiting to see us. Sister?? I thought... ok?? It was Kathy from my [Moving On] group. She is approximately 5ft.tall - on a good day - and I am close to 6ft tall. I started to cry when I saw her.
She whispered in my ear, "Sister in Christ."
"Right!" I said, "Absolutely!"
Two of the girls in our group have husbands who are physicians and they came in to pray with me and my husband. Little did I know how much I needed that group.
We are schedule to PCS next Spring and I would love to start a group on the next base that we are assigned to.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
June Devotional
We all know that the best way to grow healthy plants in a pot or a hanging basket during this time of year is to water regularly, provide ample light, fertilize as needed, and prune the branches when necessary. Here are some ways for you to grow deep roots in the soil of God's love if you have recently moved, or if you are facing a move in the future.
Water regularly by staying in God's word. My potted plants are watered daily because they are not in the ground where the sprinkler can reach them. They are separated from other plants, and can dry out easily. With a move, you may become separated from God's word for any number of reasons. Don't dry out! Spend time daily reading the Bible to replenish and restore your soul.
Provide yourself with plenty of light by knowing God's truth. As you read His word, memorize scripture, and believe in His promises, truth will be revealed to you. Tremendous growth will come from allowing God to shine His light on your life.
Fertilize as needed by being in Christ-centered fellowship. God puts His people in your life to nurture you, to serve as role-models for you, to encourage you, to pray for you, and to hold you accountable. Seek out a church home, if you haven't already. Get involved. Join a women's study group. Find out if the church has a Moving On After Moving In group to help you in your transition and adjustment. (Click here)
Prune the branches when necessary. The more withering flowers you cut, the more the plant will bloom. The more branches you prune, the fuller and greener the bush becomes. Careful pruning for you means to gently let go of people or places you've left behind. Doing this allows new growth within, new opportunities, and the growth of new relationships. Pruning also allows you to embrace the present and the future.
Scripture to Remember: May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. Ephesians 3:17
Question to Consider: Have I "dried out" spiritually since I moved?
Prayer: Lord, help me to be intentional about growing deep roots in You. I feel so disconnected from You since I've moved. (Or with the busyness of getting ready to move.) Help me to focus on You and on your word each day. Don't let the clutter of my mind distract me from your truth. Lead me to the right church, and open the doors for Godly friendships. Help me to gently begin to let go of anything that will keep me from moving forward with my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thought for the Day: Today I will begin to grow deep roots in the soil of God's love!
- Susan Miller
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Susan's Heart Talk-June 2011
My daughter, Ginger, texted me with these words, "Savannah (my eight year-old granddaughter) says you're famous Mom!" My first thought was, what does she mean by ‘famous?' My next thought was, what have I done to be famous in her eyes? I read on in excitement and anticipation. "There's a picture of you and Savannah on Grandparent's Day in the school yearbook!"
When I called Ginger to get the scoop, she said Savannah ran in the house after school, waving her yearbook as she yelled in glee, "Look! Here's Nana's picture, with me!" I couldn't help but smile as I remembered back to Grandparent's Day, and how I reluctantly slipped off from a busy schedule at work to go to Savannah's third-grade celebration for all the students' grandparents. The kids made cupcakes for all of us, and the teacher took pictures of each child and their grandparent. It was a really big deal, and a really big day. I remember thinking when I left the school how glad I was that I made the effort to go. I can't recall the work I was doing that day at the office, but I vividly recall the smile on Savannah's face, and the tight hug she gave me when I walked into her classroom. And to think, I almost let a full schedule, a busy day, and a thirty minute drive keep me from going....
What about you, my friend? Have you ever almost missed a memorable moment with your children or grandchildren because life got in the way? I can't begin to tell you all the times over the years that I did miss out because of my own crazy agenda and full calendar.
As summer begins, thank goodness schedules relax a little, time is somewhat more flexible, and the busy rhythm of life slows down a beat or two. Seize the moment to make memories with your children, grandchildren, family, and friends. Here are some tried and true suggestions from my own family summers that have made memorable moments for each of us.
Listen to one another. (You'll learn stuff.)
Laugh a lot. (You can even be silly.)
Play board games.
Plan some outdoor activities.
Camp out in the backyard or make a tent with sheets inside.
Work on a project or a craft together.
Go on a picnic. (Sit on a blanket, not at a table.)
Go to a park. (Don't just sit there and watch-swing!)
Bake or prepare a meal together. (It's okay if the kitchen gets messy.)
Have a family movie night, with popcorn and lemonade. (Sit down and watch the movie too. Discuss it together afterwards.)
Ride bikes.
Dance and sing.
Don't forget to take lots of pictures together. Put them in a photo album so you can all be ‘famous' for the summer of 2011.
Be safe as you travel, my friends. Stay in touch with a card, an email, or a Facebook update telling us what you're doing or where you're going. You are never far away from my heart, and my prayers.
From My Heart to Yours,
Susan Miller
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monthly Moving Challenge
(Gandalf) "So do all who live to face such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
- Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien
Let Go: Are you wishing and praying that your circumstances would change?
Start Today: There is nothing wasted in God's economy. Will you view each event - every difficulty, hurdle, and disappointment, as well as every joy - as a gift from God to mold you and the members of your family?
Move Ahead: What will you do "with the time that is given you?" Ask God for the strength to be the best steward of His gift of life.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Moving On Tips
(Adapted from After the Boxes Are Unpacked by Susan Miller)
Are the spring bulbs blooming where you live? As a mover, you are very much like a one of these bulbs. When planted, you lie dormant for a season until you put down roots. Then your sprout begins to appear above the earth, and finally, you bloom. I suspect that during this move, you've given priority to everyone else in your family, leaving your own sprouts to look pretty wilted. Let's pick off the dead leaves and flowers and give you the opportunity to bloom.
Become your best through the fragrance of your life.
"...in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation-an aroma redolent with life." (2 Cor. 2:14-15). When you walk around carrying the aroma of Christ, people will be drawn to you. What will make you different in your community is not that you are new in town, but that the fragrance of Christ surrounds you. You will be known not only by how you bloom, but by His fragrance that you wear.
Become your best through your uniqueness.
"...you formed me in my mother's womb.... Body and soul, I am marvelously made!" (Psalm 139:13-14). Isn't it great to know you are not made with a cookie cutter? You are an original! That's the very best reason to be yourself, love yourself, and be good to yourself! God made you unique because He wanted your bloom to be one of a kind, distinct from all the others.
Become your best through your beauty.
"One thing...I shall seek...to behold the beauty of the Lord" (Psalm 27:4). Christ is the creator of all beauty, both inside and outside. Your outer beauty is only skin-deep. It's the beauty from within that radiates in your life. I would rather see your heart than your hairdo. I'm attracted to what matters to you inside, rather than how you feel about your appearance. It is the indwelling beauty of Christ in your heart that allows your outer beauty to bloom. You are, in essence, God's bouquet to the world around you.
Here are 10 ways to help you "bloom" and to be a lovely fragrance to those you meet:
1. Try one new thing each day.
2. Don't compare.
3. When you meet someone for the first time, look her in the eyes, and give her a firm handshake and a smile.
4. Focus on being, rather than doing.
5. Seize the day!
6. Expect a positive outcome from your move.
7. Go to a park that has playground equipment and swing!
8. Walk as much as you can.
9. Count your blessings every day.
10. Eat right.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
May Moving Story
Naomi in Arizona
Thank you for your kind and caring letter. Whenever I hear from you people, I say a hearty "Bless you!" right out loud. It's so good to have your friendship and support.
One of your Prayer Warriors has written to me, quoting many uplifting passages from scripture. How nice! I make it a point to read something inspiring and holy every day, but I seldom have received it coming right to my email inbox! Usually I have to go look for it.
My mother often said, "God moves in mysterious ways. How true that is! I sometimes get a little glimpse of the Holy One at work behind the scenes, and it fills me with thankfulness. In my relocation process, I notice these things most in the moments when I manage to relax. I'm beginning to see those all-important people connections forming. A friendly clerk in a little store, from France. I have fun practicing my rusty French conversation skills with her! A lovely welcoming spirit at the Sit and Stitch group that meets at the library. She helped me feel more "at home" here, and told me where I can go to find great yarns and fabrics for my knitting, crocheting and sewing projects.
I also saw God's magic at work in the wee hours a few nights ago. I woke up about 1am and felt wide awake. Although I almost never go outside in the middle of the night, I had an urge to go to my car to check on something, and I decided not to wait until daylight. I stepped outdoors and immediately caught my breath in wonder. There was a crystal clear sky above me, jet black and studded with bright stars and constellations -- sheer beauty and majesty! It brought tears of joy, and a sense of the presence of the Artist whose handiwork was displayed before me.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
May Devotional
Whether you are a stay-at-home mom, work outside the home, single or married - the stress of moving can easily overcome you at times. It is obvious that women carry a heavy load in the moving process-from packing and unpacking, to getting a house in order, to starting a new job. Add to that the loss of relationships, loneliness, and the feeling of being disconnected, and it can be overwhelming. You simply feel like you've gotten lost in the shuffle of moving-and life.
Sometimes when your load is heavy, you become too busy and distracted from the one thing that will restore and renew you - resting in Jesus. Oh, my moving friends, unpack God's word in your heart! Run to the shelter of His arms by taking everything to Him in prayer. Rest in Him, rely on His strength, not your own.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Drawing closer to God is a vital part of taking care of yourself before and after a move. Physically, you can feel exhausted. Emotionally, you can feel drained. Spiritually, you can feel dry. Come near to God and He will come near to you. James 4:8
God will restore, refresh, and renew you as you surrender all to Him. He restores my soul. Psalm 23:3
Scripture to Remember: Yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31
Question to Consider: Am I taking care of everything and everyone but myself?
Prayer: Oh God, I desperately need you! I am worn-out and weary from the heavy load I am carrying. Fill me with your presence and your peace. Give me rest and strength for each day. I run to you and yearn for your arms of comfort. Amen
Thought for the Day: Today, I will rest in Jesus!
- Susan Miller
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Heart Notes from Susan
Most of you know that I have a soft spot in my heart for military wives who keep the home fires burning while their husbands are deployed. I have traveled near and far to love on them, encourage them, and share God's word of hope. Listening to their stories, holding them in my arms, and praying for them is a treasure that I hold most dear. Even now, I can see their faces clearly in my mind -some etched with smiles, a persevering spirit, and the determination to push through another day without their man; while some are etched with tears, weariness, and fear that he might not come home.
Military wives are always anticipating another move and leaving behind a close network of friends who are often a support to each other. Time and time again, they leave the familiar to face the unfamiliar. To read about military wives in an article, or hear about their hardships on the news is one thing, but the privilege to be up close and personal with them brings me to my knees with the reality of their circumstances.
I received an email this week from one of my military friends, who asked our ministry to pray for her. She is already in my prayers, and in the arms of our prayer team. Will you join us in praying for my friend, and for all military spouses?
Here are some ways you can pray along with me:
For those who are grieving over the death of a spouse.
For those who are physically and emotionally exhausted, weary, and overwhelmed.
For hurting hearts and broken relationships.
For those who are lonely and afraid.
For daily encouragement.
For strength when facing another move.
For peace and contentment in their circumstances.
For trusting God in all things and for all things.
For Godly friendships.
For a grateful heart.
For those who do not know Jesus.
I am grateful for you as we join together across the miles to prayerfully support the women who serve on the home front while their husbands serve our country, both home and abroad.
From My Heart to Yours,
Susan Miller
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Moving Makeover
Almost two years ago my son got married (I love my DIL!) and I was only months away from a significant birthday... the big 5-0. As the mother of the groom I wanted to look my best for the big day (and for all those pictures that would not only be in a lovely photo album, but would end up plastered everywhere online!) and the skin care and cosmetics I had been using were out of step with my aging skin. This month I'm sharing a few tips that made a big difference for me.
Whether you're preparing for a special occasion or just need a fresh look, here are some ideas to get you started.
•Invest in a consultation with a skin care and makeup expert (you can find this in one person). I inherited extreme frugality from my mother, for which I'm thankful, but it was time to stop using random makeup samples, playing Russian roulette with over-the-counter products, and trying tips from magazines that weren't realistic for me. The consultant informed me of my skin tone and the products that work best with my skin. She showed me how to play up my good qualities and tone down the bad ones. This turned out to be one of the best investments I've ever made!
•Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Exfoliate. Getting rid of the dull, dead skin cells will add a healthier glow to your skin. I keep exfoliating cream and a hand-held, battery operated exfoliation device in the shower. It has a brush that spins round and round to gently slough off the dead skin cells. My face looks and feels so much better!
•My new, indispensable cosmetics? Face powder and bronzing powder. After applying my makeup, I brush on face powder that is the same color as my foundation. Then I follow up with the bronzing powder. I use a light touch so that I don't look like George Hamilton (remember him?) and I brush a little on my neck and chest. Later in the day or before I go out for the evening, I retouch with the powders and I'm good to go!
•This next tip is for those of you who have straight hair like me. You've heard about back-combing (teasing) to add a little height or volume. My friend who cuts my hair put me on to the best tool for this. This many-toothed comb works great and can be purchased at any beauty supply. (The picture doesn't do a good job of showing you that there are THREE rows of teeth.)
•Ok. One more tip when you want an easy change from your straight, long hair. After washing your hair, while it is still very damp, tie it in a knot on top of your head and let it dry. I do this before I go to bed at night. In the morning I use a hair pick to gently smooth over the bed-head look and the ends of my hair are fun and kinky. This technique saves time in the morning and gets me in touch with my inner hippy.
•Finally, don't be afraid to ask questions of other women whose appearance you admire. I found that the eye shadows that I had tried would fade and become a murky mess after only an hour! When I met a woman whose eye shadow looked great, I would ask her what she was using. I got some helpful information, she was glad to be complimented, and we had something to talk about!
Send me your best beauty, home, fashion, and health tips! Email them to Ann at akelley@justmoved.org.
-Ann Kelley
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Class Spotlight

Elmhurst, IL
Julie Albin, Group Leader
Marcia Huizinga, Community Life Director
The unique thing is that, in addition to the study, we include field trips to the best shopping places, tourist attractions, restaurants, etc. in the area. This helps the group connect and acclimate to the community. Our latest study ended in December but chose to continue on with another book study and a social outing once a month for this semester.
This ministry has been such a blessing in our church and we hope it will continue for a long time.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The BLOOM Newsletter
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Monthly Challenge
"By an act of faith, Abraham said yes to God's call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home. When he left he had no idea where he was going. By an act of faith he lived in the country promised him, lived as a stranger.... Abraham did it by keeping his eye on an unseen city with real, eternal foundations-the City designed and built by God."
Hebrews 11:8-10 (The Message)
Let Go: You've said yes to God's call to travel to an unknown place or stage in your life, whether willingly or reluctantly. Is your focus behind or ahead? On the past or on today?
Start Over: You've heard it said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." Choose to characterize your life with the expectation of God's perfect plan to offer "a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)
Move Ahead: Start or end every day this month with Scripture to keep your eyes on an eternal foundation and to remind you that your life and future is in the hands of a loving, trustworthy God. Here are some verses to get you started: Psalm 31:24; 37:3-5; 40:4; 42:11; 46:1,2; 71:5; 84:11,12; 125:1; Proverbs 3:5,6; Luke 12:32; Matthew 6:31,32; I Peter 1:3; 5:7.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Moving Tips
Celebrating Easter
This year Easter is on April 24th. You may be far from family and old friends but as Easter approaches, we encourage you to implement the traditions that you've established for this holiday. Familiar traditions will help provide you and your family with a sense of continuity and stability in the midst of change.
Do you have special Easter items that are still packed away? Locate your holiday boxes and unpack them. This step is important to moving forward with this new stage in life and will help bring familiarity into your new home.
Are you looking to add some new Easter traditions? This month's Tips for Moving on are some fun Easter ideas for you and your family. They also provide a great opportunity for you to invite another person or family to join you.
•Easter wreath. Create a wreath for your front door using silk spring flowers, colorful ribbons, and symbols of Holy Week attached to it.
•Easter devotions. Acquire an Easter devotional to use during Holy Week with your family. Your new church may provide one for you. (If you do not have a church home, we encourage you to find one during this special season.) Christian bookstores are a good resource to check for a devotional.
•Make homemade treats. Pretzels originated as a Lenten treat! Some say the twisted center is arms crossed in prayer. A traditional Hot Cross bun has long been a symbol of Good Friday. Today they are sold in bake shops and supermarket bakeries throughout the Easter season. Each bun has an icing cross on top to signify the crucifixion.
•Egg decorating kit. Provide all kinds of decorations for kids to use while decorating their Easter eggs: egg dye kit, crayons, stickers, glitter glue, markers.... your imagination sets the limit! For Christians of the Near East, the Easter egg represented the tomb from which Jesus broke forth. They were often colored red to symbolize the blood of Christ by which all believers were given a share in the new life of Christ.
•Easter egg messages. Before dying the hard-boiled eggs, use crayons to draw pictures or write phrases like "He is Risen" or "Hallelujah" on each egg. Because the dye cannot adhere to the egg through the crayon wax, the message will be easy to read.
•The cave and the stone. Provide a hands-on image of the boulder miraculously rolling away from the entrance to Jesus' tomb. Let your kids craft a small pot out of clay. Lay the pot on its side and allow to dry. Ask the kids to find a rock large enough to conceal the opening of this pot. Discuss with them how Jesus was placed in a tomb that was sealed by a large rock. Or, if they know the story, allow them to tell it to you. Discuss how only an act of God could put the guards to sleep and move this big stone that guarded the grave. On Easter, replace the rock with flowers and celebrate the resurrection. Read together: John 20:1-3, 5-8
•Gift of service. Reflect Jesus' love and extend it to others by visiting the sick and the elderly or by serving at a homeless shelter.
•Celebrate your baptism. The connection between baptism and Easter can be traced to the church's first centuries. During this time the whole of Lent was not only a time of penance but also when people were prepared for baptism, which was given only once a year at Easter. Do you remember when you or your children were baptized? Discuss this event with your kids and show them photos of their baptism if you have them. Light a candle to commemorate the event.
•Celebrate with neighbors. Invite your neighbors over for Easter dinner or have a potluck.
•Neighborhood parade. Organize an Easter parade and egg hunt for the children in your neighborhood. Provide items for kids to decorate their bikes and have a bike parade. During the Middle Ages in Europe, people in their new Easter clothes would take a long walk after Easter Mass. This was a kind of procession preceded by a crucifix of the Easter Candle. The tradition evolved into Easter Parades.
•Conversation starters. Along with candy treats, place small symbols of the Holy Week inside plastic eggs for your children to find. What a great way to talk about Christ with your children.
•Celebrate the resurrection. Attend a sunrise service on Easter Sunday.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Moving Story
Encouragement in the midst of loss and worry...
Hi Susan,
A while back you contacted me on my answering machine after I had joined your online community. It was such a pleasure to hear your voice! Can I tell you that I still have that message on my answering machine? I can't seem to bring myself to erase it. It is such a ministry to me and I had to write to tell you thank you.
I had the opportunity to take your [Moving On After Moving In study] when I relocated from New Mexico to Oklahoma about 4 years ago. I have since moved again from Oklahoma to California and sincerely missed this class!! All this to say that your online community and newsletters have sure been a blessing to me. Now that I have made two major moves in less than 4 years I have had such a feeling of loss, uprootedness, worry, and unsettledness that it has been overwhelming to say the least.
One of the hardest things to find when you move is a church home as well as a ladies' Bible study. California is such a different mission field than Oklahoma and it has been much more difficult here making friends, finding a good Bible study and women who are like minded and share my faith. Will you pray with me that I will find these things? My children have also had a hard time adjusting to this move. Will you pray for them to find Godly friends as well?
Thank you again for all you do and the ministry you supply to countless numbers of women who need to know they haven't fallen off the face of the earth. God Bless you!
Christy in California
Sunday, April 10, 2011
April Devotional
A new beginning, a chance to start all over, a new opportunity to bloom...
...all you need is someone to come along side you, believe in you, and tell you that "you can do it!" How many times have you wished for these very things, and yearned for words of encouragement? That "someone" who will give you all these things, and more-is God Himself! With an unwavering faith in God, an inner strength that comes from Him, and an enduring perseverance that comes from trusting Him-you can do it!
God will enable you
You can have victory.
"...with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26
God will equip you
You can step out in faith today.
"...equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:17
God will embrace you
You have the assurance of His presence.
"...I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
God will encourage you
You have His promise.
"...God who gives perseverance and encouragement..." Romans 15:5
Scripture to Remember: "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Question to Consider: Am I ready to trust God completely with my life?
Prayer: Lord, give me the courage and boldness for a new beginning and a chance to start over in life. Enable and equip me, embrace and encourage me, as I take the first step. Amen
Thought for the Day: Today I will persevere with an unwavering faith!
- Susan Miller
Friday, March 25, 2011
March Moving Tips
Who am I?
When a life change means a loss of identity
Often the most difficult obstacles in starting over is a loss of identity. After 27 years as a missionary, Donna's move back to the U.S. left her in a painful period of "limbo" that resulted in grief and depression. On the mission field her role as missionary, videographer, Bible teacher, mother, and friend was the way she defined herself. After her move, she didn't have any of these responsibilities to provide her with an identity; even her children had grown and left her with an empty nest.
In time Donna's grief gave way to a new perspective. The move became an opportunity for Donna to reassess her goals, dreams, and relationship with Christ and with others. She writes, [The move] "allowed me the freedom in Christ to be who He wanted me to be! Now, rather than waking each morning with plans for video production... I wake with a clean slate and ask, ‘What do you have for me today, Lord?' Each day is an adventure! My desire is to walk so closely with Him that I will know that the promptings of my heart are from Him, and I can confidently respond to those prompts. I don't have to hang back in shyness, or hesitate, but can quickly and confidently act out of His love! I am no longer looking back, but looking forward each day with a deep joy."
Are you struggling with the loss of identity as a result of your move or a new stage in life? This is an opportunity to redefine yourself and make decisions as you take on new responsibilities and involvements.
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Keep Your Focus on God
Spend time in prayer and in Scripture, asking God for direction.
Create a Personal Mission Statement
Often, after settling in, you'll find you have time on your hands. The calendar isn't filled with all of the things you were involved in before. Take this opportunity to spend time creating a personal mission statement. Approach this prayerfully and ask yourself questions like:
For what purpose did God create me?
What are my unique, God-given qualities?
What is God calling me to accomplish?
Reflect on scripture to seek God's perspective for purpose in your life. The website urbana.org has helpful suggestions for creating a Christian personal mission statement.
Plan According To Your Personal Mission Statement
Review your decision-making in the past. Were there decisions that you made based upon the expectations of others? Were there decisions that you regret? This move can be a great opportunity to approach decisions (community involvement, friendships, healthful lifestyle, etc.) with greater wisdom and a desire to plan according to your personal mission statement.
Embrace Opportunities for Direction and Enrichment
Let's face it, new communities and involvements are going to provide a different environment for you. It may take some time to adjust if the community or involvement you left behind is still tugging at your heart. Approach each moment, encounter, and experience with the knowledge that God is directing your path and these are opportunities for direction and enrichment.
Expand Your Comfort Zone
Be open to trying new things as opportunities arise. Often times, the hardest part is just picking up the phone or making a commitment to go. Put aside any excuses and begin today!
Expand Your Talents
What is something that you've always wanted to try or to be better at? Why not take that college class, a music lesson, or join that book club or women's group? Look into it! Do something that can take you one step closer to expanding your talents.
Examine Your God-Given Gifts and Abilities
Seek an opportunity to use your gifts and abilities in your community. Ask those close to you for input as they may provide an insight you hadn't considered. Contact local schools, community centers, church, etc. and offer your skills.
Join An Outreach
Commit yourself to a cause about which you feel passionate. Research the causes available in your community. Search for ideas by using an internet search engine. Type in your town and state and then add a keyword to it such as: volunteer, clubs, organizations, activities, calendar, newcomer's club.
Be Good To Yourself
Get the beauty makeover that you've been thinking about. Ask women whose look you admire where they get their hair cut. (Yes, you can ask a stranger! Any woman would be flattered to be told her style was admired!) Go to a stylist and ask for a style that would be fabulous without a lot of fuss. Add highlights for a lift to your existing color or try a new color altogether! Department store makeup counters often apply their makeup for free! Ask them for tips and new trends.
Just Savor The Chaos!
Don't wait until you have all of your "ducks in a row" to get involved. Gathering information and weighing opportunities is important, but at some point you just have to jump in and move forward with your life!
March Moving Tips
Who am I?
When a life change means a loss of identity
Often the most difficult obstacles in starting over is a loss of identity. After 27 years as a missionary, Donna's move back to the U.S. left her in a painful period of "limbo" that resulted in grief and depression. On the mission field her role as missionary, videographer, Bible teacher, mother, and friend was the way she defined herself. After her move, she didn't have any of these responsibilities to provide her with an identity; even her children had grown and left her with an empty nest.
In time Donna's grief gave way to a new perspective. The move became an opportunity for Donna to reassess her goals, dreams, and relationship with Christ and with others. She writes, [The move] "allowed me the freedom in Christ to be who He wanted me to be! Now, rather than waking each morning with plans for video production... I wake with a clean slate and ask, ‘What do you have for me today, Lord?' Each day is an adventure! My desire is to walk so closely with Him that I will know that the promptings of my heart are from Him, and I can confidently respond to those prompts. I don't have to hang back in shyness, or hesitate, but can quickly and confidently act out of His love! I am no longer looking back, but looking forward each day with a deep joy."
Are you struggling with the loss of identity as a result of your move or a new stage in life? This is an opportunity to redefine yourself and make decisions as you take on new responsibilities and involvements.
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Keep Your Focus on God
Spend time in prayer and in Scripture, asking God for direction.
Create a Personal Mission Statement
Often, after settling in, you'll find you have time on your hands. The calendar isn't filled with all of the things you were involved in before. Take this opportunity to spend time creating a personal mission statement. Approach this prayerfully and ask yourself questions like:
For what purpose did God create me?
What are my unique, God-given qualities?
What is God calling me to accomplish?
Reflect on scripture to seek God's perspective for purpose in your life. The website urbana.org has helpful suggestions for creating a Christian personal mission statement.
Plan According To Your Personal Mission Statement
Review your decision-making in the past. Were there decisions that you made based upon the expectations of others? Were there decisions that you regret? This move can be a great opportunity to approach decisions (community involvement, friendships, healthful lifestyle, etc.) with greater wisdom and a desire to plan according to your personal mission statement.
Embrace Opportunities for Direction and Enrichment
Let's face it, new communities and involvements are going to provide a different environment for you. It may take some time to adjust if the community or involvement you left behind is still tugging at your heart. Approach each moment, encounter, and experience with the knowledge that God is directing your path and these are opportunities for direction and enrichment.
Expand Your Comfort Zone
Be open to trying new things as opportunities arise. Often times, the hardest part is just picking up the phone or making a commitment to go. Put aside any excuses and begin today!
Expand Your Talents
What is something that you've always wanted to try or to be better at? Why not take that college class, a music lesson, or join that book club or women's group? Look into it! Do something that can take you one step closer to expanding your talents.
Examine Your God-Given Gifts and Abilities
Seek an opportunity to use your gifts and abilities in your community. Ask those close to you for input as they may provide an insight you hadn't considered. Contact local schools, community centers, church, etc. and offer your skills.
Join An Outreach
Commit yourself to a cause about which you feel passionate. Research the causes available in your community. Search for ideas by using an internet search engine. Type in your town and state and then add a keyword to it such as: volunteer, clubs, organizations, activities, calendar, newcomer's club.
Be Good To Yourself
Get the beauty makeover that you've been thinking about. Ask women whose look you admire where they get their hair cut. (Yes, you can ask a stranger! Any woman would be flattered to be told her style was admired!) Go to a stylist and ask for a style that would be fabulous without a lot of fuss. Add highlights for a lift to your existing color or try a new color altogether! Department store makeup counters often apply their makeup for free! Ask them for tips and new trends.
Just Savor The Chaos!
Don't wait until you have all of your "ducks in a row" to get involved. Gathering information and weighing opportunities is important, but at some point you just have to jump in and move forward with your life!
March Moving Tips
Who am I?
When a life change means a loss of identity
Often the most difficult obstacles in starting over is a loss of identity. After 27 years as a missionary, Donna's move back to the U.S. left her in a painful period of "limbo" that resulted in grief and depression. On the mission field her role as missionary, videographer, Bible teacher, mother, and friend was the way she defined herself. After her move, she didn't have any of these responsibilities to provide her with an identity; even her children had grown and left her with an empty nest.
In time Donna's grief gave way to a new perspective. The move became an opportunity for Donna to reassess her goals, dreams, and relationship with Christ and with others. She writes, [The move] "allowed me the freedom in Christ to be who He wanted me to be! Now, rather than waking each morning with plans for video production... I wake with a clean slate and ask, ‘What do you have for me today, Lord?' Each day is an adventure! My desire is to walk so closely with Him that I will know that the promptings of my heart are from Him, and I can confidently respond to those prompts. I don't have to hang back in shyness, or hesitate, but can quickly and confidently act out of His love! I am no longer looking back, but looking forward each day with a deep joy."
Are you struggling with the loss of identity as a result of your move or a new stage in life? This is an opportunity to redefine yourself and make decisions as you take on new responsibilities and involvements.
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Keep Your Focus on God
Spend time in prayer and in Scripture, asking God for direction.
Create a Personal Mission Statement
Often, after settling in, you'll find you have time on your hands. The calendar isn't filled with all of the things you were involved in before. Take this opportunity to spend time creating a personal mission statement. Approach this prayerfully and ask yourself questions like:
For what purpose did God create me?
What are my unique, God-given qualities?
What is God calling me to accomplish?
Reflect on scripture to seek God's perspective for purpose in your life. The website urbana.org has helpful suggestions for creating a Christian personal mission statement.
Plan According To Your Personal Mission Statement
Review your decision-making in the past. Were there decisions that you made based upon the expectations of others? Were there decisions that you regret? This move can be a great opportunity to approach decisions (community involvement, friendships, healthful lifestyle, etc.) with greater wisdom and a desire to plan according to your personal mission statement.
Embrace Opportunities for Direction and Enrichment
Let's face it, new communities and involvements are going to provide a different environment for you. It may take some time to adjust if the community or involvement you left behind is still tugging at your heart. Approach each moment, encounter, and experience with the knowledge that God is directing your path and these are opportunities for direction and enrichment.
Expand Your Comfort Zone
Be open to trying new things as opportunities arise. Often times, the hardest part is just picking up the phone or making a commitment to go. Put aside any excuses and begin today!
Expand Your Talents
What is something that you've always wanted to try or to be better at? Why not take that college class, a music lesson, or join that book club or women's group? Look into it! Do something that can take you one step closer to expanding your talents.
Examine Your God-Given Gifts and Abilities
Seek an opportunity to use your gifts and abilities in your community. Ask those close to you for input as they may provide an insight you hadn't considered. Contact local schools, community centers, church, etc. and offer your skills.
Join An Outreach
Commit yourself to a cause about which you feel passionate. Research the causes available in your community. Search for ideas by using an internet search engine. Type in your town and state and then add a keyword to it such as: volunteer, clubs, organizations, activities, calendar, newcomer's club.
Be Good To Yourself
Get the beauty makeover that you've been thinking about. Ask women whose look you admire where they get their hair cut. (Yes, you can ask a stranger! Any woman would be flattered to be told her style was admired!) Go to a stylist and ask for a style that would be fabulous without a lot of fuss. Add highlights for a lift to your existing color or try a new color altogether! Department store makeup counters often apply their makeup for free! Ask them for tips and new trends.
Just Savor The Chaos!
Don't wait until you have all of your "ducks in a row" to get involved. Gathering information and weighing opportunities is important, but at some point you just have to jump in and move forward with your life!
Monday, March 21, 2011
March Moving Story
(Editor's note: Rose has been a special part of the Just Moved Ministry family for a long time. Several of her blogs about being uprooted have appeared on our website as a Moving Story. She writes with honesty and a deep reliance on the Lord. You can read more of her blogs at http://www.rospiration.blogspot.com/)
You may have noticed my posts are distinctly lacking in the "God is in the flowers and rainbows" flavor. In fact, more of my posts are about trials I face or disappointments in myself. This no doubt comes from the fact that, while I am every bit female, I‘ve never been a "girly" girl. I look like death warmed over in pink, I simply look silly in ruffles, and though I love jewelry, the beautiful blingy cocktail rings my sweet friend Patty has given me are a glaring contradiction on my thin, veiny hands. And frankly, my life has been so challenge-filled since 1995 that I find little comfort in stress-busting devotionals that advise me to take a bubble bath or have my nails done. God IS in the flowers and rainbows, and probably in bubbles, too, but I need a God who is there to be found IN my pain, loss, anxiety, disappointments, grief, and frustrations. If He isn't to be encountered and experienced there, then what hope do any of us have?
After I take the bubble bath and have my nails done, what has changed? Have those admittedly fun exercises changed my circumstances? If they haven't changed my situation, have they changed me? No. And while I love bubble baths, I need something more substantial in my life. The most effective stress-buster to me is seeing God's hand moving to transform me in the middle of the messes my life seems to step into again and again like the ubiquitous gum on a summer day in a Wal-Mart parking lot.
I long to dance in the rain - not because I'm a pessimist, but because I know rain will come. I need a God who isn't afraid to get wet, who can transcend, transfigure, translate and transform, as the lyrics in John Mark McMillan's moving, anointed song, "How He Loves", powerfully declare: "When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, and I realize just how beautiful You are and how great your affections are for me." I need a God of grit and guts and glory. That's who I'm encountering in this deepest trial of my life - a God of incredible, deep compassion and love - and that's who I pray you find within these thoughts and discoveries of mine.
Friday, March 18, 2011
March Devotional
Moved but not shaken...
When the strong winds come in March, it usually leaves everything in my yard in disarray. Patio chairs and flower pots blow over, branches fall, and leaves scatter. It looks like the whole yard has been turned upside down and everything has been shaken loose from its foundation.
For those of you moving through the "winds of change" in your life, you might feel like the very foundation of your world is shaken. Just like the wind is beyond our control, so are many of the circumstances that blow into our lives. From a traumatic job loss, home foreclosure, or unwanted move; a devastating divorce, or being a self-supporting single mom; a debilitating illness, or the painful death of a loved one; being an empty-nester, or a caregiver to aging parents---change can leave our life turned upside down and often brings unexpected chaos to our world. Nothing seems the same around us and we don't know where to begin to start putting the pieces back together again.
When we are moving through change, remember that our God is unchangeable. (Malachi 3:6) When the winds and the storms of life hit us, we must stand strong on the solid rock of Jesus Christ and His promises; then our foundation will not be shaken-regardless of our circumstances! He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be greatly shaken. Psalm 62:2
Scripture to Remember:
Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and burst against the house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock. Matthew 7:24-25
Question to Consider:
What are the winds of change that have shaken up your world?
Oh Lord, I am going through major changes right now, and my world has turned upside down. I run to you, my rock! Protect me, calm me, and let me rest in the shelter of your arms. Give me the strength of your Word to get through this. Amen
Thought for the Day:
Today, I will cling to your Word.
- Susan Miller
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Heart Talk March 2011
My dear friends,
My granddaughter, Savannah, who is eight, has always ruled the roost with her three brothers, who are nine, six, and five. She keeps them in line - from reminding them of their table manners, to keeping their rooms picked-up. I get a kick out of listening to her talk to them when she is in her "mothering mode," and I already see in her so many nurturing qualities of her mother at this young age.
I went over to their house last week and entered through the door that leads to the garage. It's the door we all use for coming and going instead of the front door, probably much like your house too. When I was ready to leave, I walked towards the garage and saw the neatly printed, large sign in Savannah's handwriting taped to the door at eye level. There was no way anyone on their way out could miss reading the words that said:
Got your lunch?
Got your jacket?
Got your homework?
I couldn't help but laugh as I realized these words were a reminder for her three brothers as they left for school each morning! Obviously, Savannah had heard her mother ask these questions every day as all four of them scurried off to school after the typical morning chaos of getting ready.
As I was driving home, I couldn't help but think how I needed to post on my door a little check-list reminder of things not to forget as I leave each day. It would read like this:
Got kindness?
Got right attitude?
Got joy?
If I choose to be kind in my actions and words during the day, it will encourage those I come in contact with. If I choose a positive attitude, it will be contagious for others. If I choose joy in the midst of my circumstances, it will be a testimony of my faith and trust in Christ.
I think I'll add a few more. Wow! I could paper the whole door with post-it notes!
What would your checklist say?
From My Heart to Yours,
Susan Miller