Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June Devotional

Summer Alert!

We all know that the best way to grow healthy plants in a pot or a hanging basket during this time of year is to water regularly, provide ample light, fertilize as needed, and prune the branches when necessary. Here are some ways for you to grow deep roots in the soil of God's love if you have recently moved, or if you are facing a move in the future.

Water regularly by staying in God's word. My potted plants are watered daily because they are not in the ground where the sprinkler can reach them. They are separated from other plants, and can dry out easily. With a move, you may become separated from God's word for any number of reasons. Don't dry out! Spend time daily reading the Bible to replenish and restore your soul.

Provide yourself with plenty of light by knowing God's truth. As you read His word, memorize scripture, and believe in His promises, truth will be revealed to you. Tremendous growth will come from allowing God to shine His light on your life.

Fertilize as needed by being in Christ-centered fellowship. God puts His people in your life to nurture you, to serve as role-models for you, to encourage you, to pray for you, and to hold you accountable. Seek out a church home, if you haven't already. Get involved. Join a women's study group. Find out if the church has a Moving On After Moving In group to help you in your transition and adjustment. (Click here)

Prune the branches when necessary. The more withering flowers you cut, the more the plant will bloom. The more branches you prune, the fuller and greener the bush becomes. Careful pruning for you means to gently let go of people or places you've left behind. Doing this allows new growth within, new opportunities, and the growth of new relationships. Pruning also allows you to embrace the present and the future.

Scripture to Remember: May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. Ephesians 3:17

Question to Consider: Have I "dried out" spiritually since I moved?

Prayer: Lord, help me to be intentional about growing deep roots in You. I feel so disconnected from You since I've moved. (Or with the busyness of getting ready to move.) Help me to focus on You and on your word each day. Don't let the clutter of my mind distract me from your truth. Lead me to the right church, and open the doors for Godly friendships. Help me to gently begin to let go of anything that will keep me from moving forward with my life. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Thought for the Day: Today I will begin to grow deep roots in the soil of God's love!

- Susan Miller

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