Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Just Moved Community

The Just Moved Community is ready to welcome you!

Join now!

The Just Moved Community grew out of a vision to help women around the world who have recently moved to find the connection that they long for. The Just Moved Community will help to give you the courage to start over, move ahead, and put down roots all over again.

More women are joining every day. Here's what one woman wrote after joining:

I was unsure about joining the Community, but now I see that this is a real community of people that truly care. I thank you so much for taking out the time to call and send me an email it made me feel like someone actually cares about the transition I am about to embark on.

Joining the Just Moved Community is FREE
Here are the benefits that you'll enjoy as a member of the Just Moved Community:

A FREE copy of the New Neighbor's Pocket Guide, available exclusively through Just Moved Ministry. This 40-page booklet is filled with encouragement, tips, insights, scripture, and prayers for the entire process of a move. Written by Susan Miller.

A personal welcome from someone who cares at Just Moved Ministry. We encourage you to register a phone number to receive a one-time call of welcome and for you to share any prayer requests.

The Bloom newsletter sent directly to your home.

Answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about letting go, starting over, and moving ahead with your life after a move

Free download of all 22 Just Moved radio broadcasts.

Access to the Just Moved Library -- a wealth of encouragement and devotions, moving tips, and moving stories.

Prayer Support from the Just Moved Prayer Team.

Go to to learn more!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Who We Are & What We Do

Just Moved Ministry

Who we are and what we do...

Whether your move was a welcome opportunity or a dreaded event, you face tremendous change and the daunting task of starting over in a new place. Just Moved Ministry is committed to the spiritual growth and emotional well-being of women who are uprooted due to a move. Through biblical teaching and personal support, we are committed to prepare, encourage, and equip a woman to let go of the past, rebuild hope, and embrace her new life when she moves.

Uprooted women everywhere contact Just Moved Ministry for personal encouragement and turn to for helpful resources, inspiration, encouragement, prayer support, and an online community.

Churches, seminaries, and corporations in the U.S. and military installations around the world offer the Moving On After Moving In Bible study based on Susan Miller's bestseller, After the Boxes are Unpacked; Moving On After Moving In, in an effort to encourage and enfold newcomers. The study guides women through the emotional stages of a move, helps them become aware of opportunities for spiritual growth, and provides a rewarding way for them to connect in their new community.

For those who choose to start a Moving On After Moving In study, Just Moved Ministry provides all of the necessary materials, leader newsletters, and one-on-one support to make the study a success.

Susan Miller, America's Moving Coach® and President of Just Moved Ministry, is invited to speak nationally and internationally at women's events, leadership conferences, military installations, and for corporations that relocate their employees.

For Susan Miller's speaking availability, email:

For more information about all of our resources...


Call Just Moved Ministry in Arizona: 480.991.5268

Email Just Moved Ministry:

Write to: Just Moved Ministry, 8010 E. Morgan Trail, Suite 7, Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Send us your moving story and survival tips. Sign up for our mailing list by sending us your mailing and email addresses.

Monday, August 15, 2011

A Moving Makeover

Whatever your circumstances, you may find yourself yearning for a fresh start. Our "Moving Makeover" web page is designed with you in mind. Every month you can expect easy and practical tips, how-to's, ideas, and encouragement to make a change and improve your life in your home, your health, fashion, and beauty.

Read more Moving Makeovers

August 2011

At-Home Spa Treatments: Relax Without Having To Pay The Bill

This article originally appeared on

It may sound more efficient than effective to spread something on your face that you can also pack for lunch, but there are tons of reasons why whipping up a homemade beauty recipe is smarter than splurging on a store-bought product.

What's On The Menu

A lot of what makes store-bought products so expensive is the packaging, says Janice Cox, author of Natural Beauty at Home. According to Cox, three bucks worth of ingredients from the grocery can produce a DIY treatment with the same effect as a $300 professional facial. (She told us that simple yogurt blended with fresh fruit into a facial works as well as a $34 Guinot exfoliating mask.) For more homemade beauty recipes, Helena Van Zandbergen, a celeb hairstylist who has worked everywhere from runways to reality shows, recommends Pioneer Thinking.

Why DIY Is So Appetizing

In addition to being cheap, anything you make at home (unless you're a chemist) will be 100% natural. The fact that homemade products don't include any ingredients you can't pronounce is especially good news for anyone with sensitive skin, those who want to go completely green, and those worried about animal testing. Plus, the recipes are time-tested and proven effective. Jorge Malo of the handmade beauty care line Fasanis jokes, "There's a reason Cleopatra used that mud for her face and body back in the day."

Your Shopping List

Almond Oil

1. Janice Cox's Basic Oatmeal Mask

Mix together ½ cup cooked oatmeal, one whole egg, and one tablespoon of almond oil. Spread it on your face and leave for 15 minutes. (A berry garnish is optional.)

2. Avocado As Moisturizer

Lather avocado on dry, sun-exposed skin for a rush of moisture-make sure that your avocado fruit is fully ripe. We know some people who use the inside of the avocado skin for its moisturizing oils. To do so, rub the inner layers of the avocado peel against your face, leave on for 15 minutes, and then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

3. The Case For Vinegar

Van Zandbergen says that occasionally rinsing hair with vinegar is a great way to add shine. It's also an ideal pedicure ingredient, Cox added, since its acidity zaps dead skin.

4. Homemade Hair Conditioner

Pioneer Thinking came up with this recipe for hair conditioner: Beat an egg yolk until it's frothy, add one teaspoon of baby oil, and one cup of water. Massage through scalp and rinse.

5. Avocado-Based Hair Conditioner

Craving guacamole? Try this conditioner instead: Mix one mashed avocado with coconut milk until thick. Comb through hair, leave on for 15 minutes, and rinse.

6. Creamy Honey Conditioner

Mix honey, mayonnaise, and egg together for a nourishing hair condition...and a heck of a potato salad base.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tips for Moving On

We could all learn from Tina Tow of Arizona when it comes to getting ourselves and our kids connected in a new community...

My best advice after 14 moves...

I remember looking around at the first school program of the year; people were hugging, saying hello, just generally being friendly... while I sat there thinking, "I don't know a single person in this auditorium filled with several hundred parents." I decided that by the next school program, I was not going to feel like the lone ranger. So, I found out what the next big event was at the school and I volunteered to help in a big way, taking on the job that no one else wanted and gave it my best college try. My assignments grew and grew until... it was time to move again. But when I did, I cried and the many friends that I had made along the way cried too.

• If your child is having trouble connecting, know that other newbie's are struggling too.

• It's so important that a new student have a connection with someone on the first day of school. Start a program at the new school for "new" kids.

• I started a Sunday 'meet and greet' at the school two weeks prior to the first school day. It was like an open house on steroids with every new kid in the school attending, along with their parents. We had school ambassadors, a few teachers, the principal, along with several "old" parents to answer specific questions.

• I started a family picnic tradition at one. Its purpose was to introduce new families to returning families.

• Once I invited just my son's class and a few parents to a local kid hot spot right before school started so the new kids and their parents would have the opportunity to meet other kids in the class.

• These programs are still ongoing although we are long gone from the area. I started these programs for two reasons: my son needed to meet people and so did I.

• My best advice after 14 moves; smile, say hello, and stick out your hand to embrace the people around you. You will feel at home when you make others feel at home with you.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Moving Story

I am walking behind Jesus

Cathie in Alberta, Canada

I have just moved for the 20th time in 11 years and will be moving again in mid-October. I will be house-sitting for the next 6 months so travelling with suitcases and boxes. My life sure does have a number of twists and turns.

I was looking at some comments on your website and the following *prayer applies to my life right now...

Thank you, God, for the opportunities this move will bring.
It is a comfort to know that you have gone before me and prepared this place for me.
I am excited about my new beginnings; yet I am fearful about the unknown.
Calm my fear, Lord. Help me to put my expectations in you and not in people or places.
I give you the glory for the great things you will do through this transition in my life.
Above all, Lord, use this move to draw me closer to you.

The following comment was also made ...

God is good and he has great plans for your life and for my life. Sometimes the plans may seem a little unorthodox to others (I relate very well to this statement - Cathie), but in the grand scheme of things it will always work out. I believe it because God said it. (I believe that and have experienced it and AM experiencing it right now - Cathie)

At the moment I am doing a one-month fasting and praying because there are so many variables in my life right now and I have no stability in anything, except my relationship with Jesus Christ. So from a human perspective I am sometimes feeling like I can't breathe but then I just keep putting my trust in Jesus. The image that comes to mind, for my life right now, is that I am walking right behind Jesus. All I am doing is concentrating on His feet as He walks in front of me, sweeping a path so I can follow. I cannot see in front of him because there is no path, so I just keep watching His feet and walking in His steps.

I really am SO keen on Just Moved and feel I can relate so much. I am trusting the Lord to give me better insight in this month of fasting and praying as to what He wants me to do. If there is any ‘ministry' I would like to be involved with, it would be Just Moved.

*(Editor's note: Cathie is referring to the Quiet Reflections portion of our website.)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Devotional-Aug 2011

Providing roots in Christ for your children

One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is a Christian foundation in which their roots can grow deep in the love of Jesus Christ. To be anchored in Christ is a basic security our children need for any transition in life. When they grow up, children will take with them the knowledge of Christ, which has been deeply rooted within. Sometimes they might take the wrong path in life, but our loving God always welcomes them back with open arms.

Here are some scriptures to guide you:

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

So I have also dedicated him to the Lord; as long as he lives he is dedicated to the Lord. (1 Samuel 1:28)

As you provide roots in Christ for your children, the next seven steps are vital to a strong foundation:

Principles of faith. Base your values on the word of God. (Colossians 2:6-7)
Pattern of life. Strive to live a life worthy of imitation that models God's design. (Ephesians 5: 1-2)
Persistence that is immovable. Don't give up. Don't let anything move you from what you believe. Be strong in your faith. (Ephesians 6:10, 14)
Participation. Feel what your children feel. Laugh when they laugh. Cry when they cry. Learn with them. (Romans 12:15)
Praise. Encourage them. Believe in them. Sing to them when they are small. Sing with them when they are grown. (Philippians 4:4-5)
Prayer. Let them see you pray, hear you pray, and watch you give God the credit for the results. (Philippians 4:6)
Planning. It's never too late. Plan on giving them roots and wings! (Isaiah 40:31, Deuteronomy 32:11)
(Excerpted from Susan Miller's book After the Boxes are Unpacked...)

Scripture to Remember: Choose one from above

Question to Consider: Which step(s) do you need to pass on to your children?

Prayer: Lord, I want to give my children a strong foundation in you. The best way I can do that is to model you in my actions, my words, and the choices I make. I know there will be days I will take three steps forward, and two steps back. Don't let me get discouraged. Walk with me, talk with me, and help me to keep my focus on you. Amen

Thought for the Day: Today I will model you, Jesus, in all I do!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Heart Talk

August 2011

Dear Friends,

This is the time when moms and kids are heading for the school supplies aisle, stocking up on the things needed to prepare for school starting. As I watched them standing in line at the checkout counter with everything from backpacks to blue folders, my mind began to think outside the backpack to the "school supplies" we would need as we prepare to learn more about Jesus!

I do hope that all of you are planning to go back to school in the fall by enrolling in a Bible study, either at your church or a church in your area. It might even be a home study with a group of friends or a neighborhood group. If you are new to your community, consider starting a Moving On After Moving In small group in your home. What a great way to make new friends!

I encourage you to check it out now! We all need to reconnect after the disconnect of summer. We all need to get back to Jesus! (Make every effort to come to me soon.... 2 Timothy 4:9)

Here are a few "school supplies" you might need and suggestions for how to use them:

Bible (with a concordance to help you find verses)
Your instruction book for how to live life.

Paper (or notebook)
For notes and prayer requests, for scripture and remembrances of what you've learned.

Pen (or pencil)
To record your lessons in your mind and in your heart.

Super Glue (recommended)
To bond you with God's word.

Scissors (really sharp)
To cut out any thoughts or ways that would not honor or bring glory to God.

Folders (with pockets)
Tuck in handouts, keepsakes and lessons to enfold into your life.

Crayons (or colored pens)
To remind you of the many choices you have to color your day.

Ruler (yardstick recommended)
To measure your growth-in Jesus!

Apple (a really big one!)
God's provision and nourishment to share with others in friendship and fellowship.

May God lead you to a Bible study that will bless you and take you to a deeper knowledge and love for Him.

Please e-mail me at about what you learn in class this fall!

From My Heart to Yours,