Every Tuesday morning, I have the privilege of teaching a "Moving On After Moving In" class at my home church to a group of women who have recently moved to our area. In the corner pocket of my heart, I often dream of you being there with me! I picture your faces and hear your moving stories as your heart is reflected through the women who are present.
I couldn’t wait to share with you one of the things we talked about that brought you to my mind. Perhaps you are struggling right now and need to know you are not alone in how you feel.
Our lesson was on the "luggage tags" of feelings and emotions that we wear after a move. Even though the physical baggage I brought with me had been unpacked, I still had so many feelings and emotions packed away that kept me from starting over and moving ahead with my life.
I struggled with comparison, feelings of inadequacy and discouragement. One luggage tag in particular, loss of identity, pulls a familiar tug at my emotions as I remember so well how I struggled with that issue after each move we made. Nobody knew my name!
Southern sun dresses, homes with basements and attics, big yards, the word "ya’ll," and the beauty of four seasons were suddenly compared with the jeans and boots look, no extra storage space, my small yard, the phrase "you guys," and one, long, hot summer!
In the areas where I once felt adequate, I now felt extremely inadequate. I used to be able to zip around town in no time, knowing just where to go for what I needed. When we moved, I had no idea where I was going; I just hoped I was going to end up at the right place before dark!
I had always been outgoing and confident. Yet after moving, it seemed as though my whole personality changed and a shy, apprehensive person emerged. I became discouraged about so many aspects of our move, and yearned for a close friend.
With a redirected focus on God, a change of attitude and the magic of time - my roots now go deep in this place I call home. Looking back, I realize so many of my feelings and emotions were normal side effects that come with moving.
I believe God put you on my heart because you needed to hear that you will get through this transition as you adjust to your new surroundings.
Take a good look at the luggage tags you are wearing. What is keeping you from starting over and moving forward? Make the choice today to focus on our unchanging God instead of your changing circumstances.
Remember that a change of heart begins with you - your attitude, your actions, your choices. (To be miserable or not to be miserable!) In due time, God will make a way in your wilderness and rivers in your desert!
"Behold I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert."- Isaiah 43:19.
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