Thursday, August 6, 2009

Monthly Devotional- Aug 2009

Thinking Outside the Backpack

This is the time when moms and kids are heading for the "school supplies" aisle, stocking up on the things needed to prepare for the beginning of school. As I watched them standing in line at the check-out counter with everything from backpacks to blue folders, my mind began to think "outside the backpack" to the "school supplies" needed as we prepare to learn more about Jesus!

I do hope that all of you are planning to go back to school in the Fall by enrolling in a Bible study, either at your church or a church in your area. It might even be a home study with a group of friends, or a neighborhood group. Just do it!! We all need to reconnect after the disconnect of summer.

Here are a few "school supplies" you will need and suggestions for how to use them:

Paper (lined or unlined)...
for notes and prayer requests, for scripture and remembrances of what you’ve learned.

Pen (or pencil)...
to record your lessons in your mind and in your heart.

Super Glue (recommended)...
to bond you with God’s word.

Scissors (really sharp)...
to cut out any thoughts or ways that would not honor or bring glory to God.

Folders (with pockets)...
to tuck in handouts, keepsakes, and lessons to enfold into your life.

Crayons (a box of 24)...
to remind you of the many choices you have to color your day.

Ruler (yardstick recommended)...
to measure your Jesus!

Apple (a really big one!)...
God’s provision and nourishment to share with others in friendship and fellowship.
May God lead you to a Bible study that will bless you and take you to a deeper knowledge and love of Him. (Write us about what you learn in class this Fall!)

Scripture To Remember
Make every effort to come to me soon...
- 2 Timothy 4:9

Question To Consider
Which school supplies will you take with you?

Lord, I need you desperately in my busy life. I need to spend time with you and reconnect after a busy summer. Thank you for your patience and unconditional love for me. Lead me to just the right Bible study! Amen

Thought for the Day
Today I will focus on God’s faithfulness in my life

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