Penny in Colorado
Every village, town, and city needs a ‘Moving On’ Class...
My first contact with Just Moved! was about 6 years ago. My husband had just retired and we were relocating to Knoxville, TN. Our middle son had moved there and we looked at this as an opportunity to get to know [our grandchildren] on a more personal level and add four additional helping hands. Because the move was our choice, not a corporate move, and all the doors had opened wide for us to make the move, I was quite dismayed that I was feeling lost, depressed, lonely, and sad.
We found a church home quickly, got involved in a class, and then I met the Women's Ministry Leader over a cup of tea. She had no idea what I was feeling, but asked if I would like to read a book that had recently been given to her and then pray about being involved in getting a new Bible Study started. I thought that the church already had ample women's studies going, but agreed to read the book. That evening as I read After the Boxes Are Unpacked: Moving On After Moving In from cover to cover, I thought, "I am not crazy, other women feel like I do. It's normal to feel this way after a move, even a happy move. How much more it must affect women who have no choice."
I eagerly accepted the challenge to help begin a new ‘Moving On’ Class at our church, Cedar Springs Presbyterian. While I was in the office of the Women's Ministry Leader, she remembered that a lady from another church had emailed her about joining with us. That began a special friendship with Linda, who became the co-leader with me in starting the first ‘Moving On’ Class in Knoxville.
During the 6 years that we lived in Knoxville, I led ‘Moving On’ classes twice a year. God brought such an abundance of lovely Christian women to help with the class. We all loved being part of the ministry that probably saw over 150 women go through the class.
I marvel at how well the class has continued to flourish, as God brought all the right women to keep it going. Plus there are two other sister classes that have started from the original class.
Then God moved us again, this time to Colorado. I found a ‘Moving On’ class here in Colorado and have been blessed by being in a group with 10 other women from all over the world. I know that God is moving me in the direction of being more involved by leading a class soon.
You never know where you will find yourself, but every village, town, and city needs a ‘Moving On’ Class.
How I praise the Lord for Susan and the wonderful staff at Just Moved! who see the vision and have passed it on to so many of us movers.
May God continue to use this ministry all over the world for many years.
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