Dear Moving Friends,
Have you ever been blind-sided by change? Whether it’s an unexpected or unplanned move, a job loss, an illness, or any other major life-change—it can leave you numb, shocked, and devastated in a matter of minutes. Your life, and everything in it, changes from the moment you get the news.
That’s what happened to us when Bill was admitted to the hospital on Friday, April 10th for tests, was diagnosed with colon cancer, and had emergency surgery on April 12th, Easter Sunday. Needless to say, we are still trying to wrap our minds around all that has happened so suddenly and unexpectedly. I have not left Bill’s side as the days have slipped into weeks of hospitals, tests and more tests, chemo, blood transfusions, blood clots, extreme exhaustion and weakness, and rebuilding strength to fight this disease.
As you know, there are many unknowns in a major life-changing event. But this much we know for sure: we are wrapped in God’s comfort and strength each day. He covers us with His grace and mercy as we forge ahead to fight this battle. Everything we have ever learned, experienced, and know about Jesus, gives us strength for a time such as this. We rest in His promises, and rely on His word for the days ahead. We may be living with a cancer diagnosis, but we also live with a peace that passes all understanding, and a hope that is anchored in Christ.
I consider it a privilege to take care of Bill in the same devoted way that he has taken care of me for 45 years. His courage and spiritual strength ministers to me daily. We walk this road together, hand in hand. No trial is so great that God cannot deliver us, no pain is so great that God does not bring us comfort, and no situation is ever without God’s presence.
May God encourage you, as He has encouraged us, as we trust in Him each day. Great is His faithfulness!
“…For Thou has been my stronghold, and a refuge in the day of my distress…” Psalm 59:16
From my heart,
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