Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Military Moving Tip

Brenda, Retired Military Spouse

Catch that missionary vision...

The first time we reenlisted for our second term we decided then that we would make a career of it and that we would be missionaries. God would send us through the Air Force where He wanted us to go and let Uncle Sam pay the bill. It really helps to catch that missionary vision.

Another thing I wish to share is it does not take much to reach out to that new person who has just moved. On one of our moves to Oklahoma a lady in the church whom I had prayed with at the altar the very first Sunday evening we attended called to invite me to a Bridal Shower. I explained that I would love to go but I had nothing for a gift and no money to spare right then to get anything (we had purchased a new car to drive across country and things were extremely tight) right then. She said I have some new pillowcases still wrapped in tissue would you mind taking that. Mind you, that was a lot of years ago when even the least little thing was appreciated. That was the beginning of a lifelong relationship – we are still very good friends and keep in contact. And that little encouragement helped me get acquainted with a lot of other ladies of course.

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