Saturday, May 16, 2009

Moving Tips- Moving Count Down

  • Moving Countdown

    If you’re preparing for a move, you’re in good company. Last year 35.2 million Americans relocated. Though you may be a seasoned mover, the task of moving is never easy and rates as one of the greatest sources of stress in a person’s life.

    Planning, organization, and preparation can help the job go more smoothly. Below is an eight-week countdown that may prove helpful as you approach the big event

    Eight Weeks

    Gather information about different moving companies by using the internet or making phone calls. Get estimates in writing. Make a decision as to whether you will use a mover or rental truck service. Things to consider will be cost, packing, loading, delivery, and claims.

    Six Weeks

    Obtain school, medical, legal, and tax records (new providers will want to have them) and ask for referrals for professionals in the community you’re moving to.

    Four Weeks

    Send change of address cards to magazines.
    Obtain change of address kit from the post office.
    Clean out closets and other storage for a garage sale.
    Start packing seldom-used items and stack these boxes in an out-of-the-way place.
    Schedule any work to be done on your new home: painting, carpet, roofing, etc.
    Arrange transport of vehicles or pets, if needed.
    Reserve rental equipment, if moving yourself.
    Change your property, auto, and medical insurance policies.

    Three Weeks

    Make travel arrangements and reservations.
    Check with the Department of Agriculture if you are moving out of state to see whether you are allowed to bring in houseplants.
    Have a garage sale

    Two Weeks

    Arrange for disconnection and changeover of utilities.
    Confirm with the moving company and/or storage company.
    Continue packing.
    Cut back on buying perishable food.
    Make a list of those items that you will move personally.
    Close unneeded accounts, such as your club membership.

    One Week

    Return library books.
    Pick up dry cleaning and laundry.
    Reserve a baby sitter, if needed, for moving day.
    Drain gas and oil from power equipment.
    Give away plants not being moved.

    Two Days

    Clean and defrost the refrigerator and freezer.
    Close bank accounts, if needed.
    Finish packing.
    Pack a “survival box” of things that you will need at the new house: flashlight, light bulbs, bandages, soap, paper towels, toilet paper, some linens and towels, two pans, coffee, coffee pot, can opener, plastic cutlery, paper plates, cups, napkins, dish detergent, trash bag, scissors, utility knife, screwdriver, hammer, pliers, telephone. Load this box last or keep it in your car,

    Day Before

    Pick up rental van, if using.
    Tie closed any sofa beds or trundle beds.

    Moving Day

    Confirm delivery address, directions, and delivery date with movers.
    Be present to supervise.
    Read moving contract before signing and keep it with you until your things are delivered.
    Designate one person to stay with the rental truck to be in charge of loading. Load heaviest items first. Distribute weight evenly.
    Thoroughly clean your house before leaving.
    Check thermostat.
    Lock doors and make sure appliances are turned off.

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