Gaye in Florida
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
- Isaiah 40:28 -31
One major move in particular was hard for our children. Our twelve-year-old son, Nathan, broke into tears when we settled in to a hotel room for the night, between our old home in Tennessee and new home in Florida. I asked, “What’s the matter?” Sobbing as though his heart was breaking he said, “Andrew was the best friend I ever had.”
My heart was feeling his pain. None of the family was happy about the move but we were on our way to a new life in Florida as my husband’s job demanded. We always relied on God as our source and knew because of that, that we would make another life and new friends eventually.
Our new home was under construction so we had to wait it out in an apartment. We were in tight quarters, on each other’s nerves and, soon after we moved there, we got the news that my mother had cancer. We flew up to Detroit to spend some time with mom and the family when she had surgery to remove the tumor from her stomach. The prognosis was not good and she had a short time to live; needless to say we were all filled with grief at the news.
We were sitting talking on mom and dad’s front porch when a van drove past the house up the side street where I grew up. Nathan looked up and his eyes locked with the eyes peering from the van. The van came to a stop and out jumped Andrew! We could not believe our eyes as the two ran to each other and the scene unfolded. Andrew and his family were in Detroit visiting too and just detoured from the main road for no apparent reason. They had no idea we were in town, or for that matter, where I had grown up, but God did and he cares about the things that concern us!
The boys had a lot of catching up to do and Nathan was just ecstatic with this little miracle. Andrew was able to stay with us the rest of the day and overnight. We have never forgotten how God cared enough about a young boy’s broken heart to orchestrate a surprise meeting with his beloved friend, Andrew. Just a reminder that the details of our life do matter to Him.
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