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Since 1995, thousands of women have benefited from our 'Moving On After Moving In' classes -- women like you who have relocated and are going through the loss and loneliness created by a move.
"This move has been more difficult than I ever imagined. The class has been like a refreshing drink of water to me." - Nebraska Newcomer, Nicole
You Are Not Alone!
Studies show that moving is among the top stressors experienced by individuals. For women especially, relocation can be a traumatic event.
"My emotions were in one place and my mind was in another place. I knew truth. I knew God was in control. I knew all those things. When I went to class, my feelings and emotions were validated. The class helped me to work through those feelings and kept me focused on Christ." - Iowa Newcomer, Helen
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Our Class Location Directory is a valuable FREE resource that is updated regularly. Please take a moment to locate a 'Moving On' class being offered in your area.
"If I had know about this class years ago, I am sure I could have handled all those previous moves much better than I did." - Texas Newcomer, Mary
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A Moving On After Moving In NEWcomer's class will...
Encourage you...
This is the place to be when you are new in town! Our Christ-centered study will help you in the process of letting go, starting over and moving ahead with your life after the transition of a move.
Embrace you...
This class is an outreach ministry to all women in a "moving transition." It is a place to belong for those who still feel uprooted and disconnected. This is a one-semester class designed to enfold, support, and encourage women who have recently moved.
Enable you...
This class enables new women to grow strong and deep in their relationship with Christ as they establish new roots in their community and church.
Equip you...
A powerful, hands-on resource and class on how to grow spiritually during a time of incredible transition, as well as where to find the courage to put down roots all over again.
Just Moved! strives to equip and encourage women who move through personal contact, Moving On After Moving In classes, newsletters, books, videos, seminars, conferences and prayer support. We are a non-denominational, outreach ministry that is committed to the spiritual growth and emotional well-being of women going through the transition and adjustment to a move.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Monthly Challenge- 40

Challenge 40
Come to me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
- Matthew 11:28
Let Go: Are you exhausted from the preparations for your move or from having completed a move?
Start Over: Identify those tasks that are particularly exhausting or that you dread doing.
Move Ahead: Make a plan to tackle one or two of the most unpleasant tasks early in the day (or whenever you have the most energy) and reward yourself after their completion with a cup of coffee and a magazine or a walk around the block; whatever your favorite activity. Keep this break to 20 minutes or so and go on to the next task awaiting your attention. Remember to check these tasks off your list as you complete them and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A Moving Story from Gaye

Gaye in Florida
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
- Isaiah 40:28 -31
One major move in particular was hard for our children. Our twelve-year-old son, Nathan, broke into tears when we settled in to a hotel room for the night, between our old home in Tennessee and new home in Florida. I asked, “What’s the matter?” Sobbing as though his heart was breaking he said, “Andrew was the best friend I ever had.”
My heart was feeling his pain. None of the family was happy about the move but we were on our way to a new life in Florida as my husband’s job demanded. We always relied on God as our source and knew because of that, that we would make another life and new friends eventually.
Our new home was under construction so we had to wait it out in an apartment. We were in tight quarters, on each other’s nerves and, soon after we moved there, we got the news that my mother had cancer. We flew up to Detroit to spend some time with mom and the family when she had surgery to remove the tumor from her stomach. The prognosis was not good and she had a short time to live; needless to say we were all filled with grief at the news.
We were sitting talking on mom and dad’s front porch when a van drove past the house up the side street where I grew up. Nathan looked up and his eyes locked with the eyes peering from the van. The van came to a stop and out jumped Andrew! We could not believe our eyes as the two ran to each other and the scene unfolded. Andrew and his family were in Detroit visiting too and just detoured from the main road for no apparent reason. They had no idea we were in town, or for that matter, where I had grown up, but God did and he cares about the things that concern us!
The boys had a lot of catching up to do and Nathan was just ecstatic with this little miracle. Andrew was able to stay with us the rest of the day and overnight. We have never forgotten how God cared enough about a young boy’s broken heart to orchestrate a surprise meeting with his beloved friend, Andrew. Just a reminder that the details of our life do matter to Him.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Moving Tips- Moving Count Down
Moving Countdown
If you’re preparing for a move, you’re in good company. Last year 35.2 million Americans relocated. Though you may be a seasoned mover, the task of moving is never easy and rates as one of the greatest sources of stress in a person’s life.
Planning, organization, and preparation can help the job go more smoothly. Below is an eight-week countdown that may prove helpful as you approach the big event
Eight Weeks
Gather information about different moving companies by using the internet or making phone calls. Get estimates in writing. Make a decision as to whether you will use a mover or rental truck service. Things to consider will be cost, packing, loading, delivery, and claims.
Six Weeks
Obtain school, medical, legal, and tax records (new providers will want to have them) and ask for referrals for professionals in the community you’re moving to.
Four Weeks
Send change of address cards to magazines.
Obtain change of address kit from the post office.
Clean out closets and other storage for a garage sale.
Start packing seldom-used items and stack these boxes in an out-of-the-way place.
Schedule any work to be done on your new home: painting, carpet, roofing, etc.
Arrange transport of vehicles or pets, if needed.
Reserve rental equipment, if moving yourself.
Change your property, auto, and medical insurance policies.
Three Weeks
Make travel arrangements and reservations.
Check with the Department of Agriculture if you are moving out of state to see whether you are allowed to bring in houseplants.
Have a garage sale
Two Weeks
Arrange for disconnection and changeover of utilities.
Confirm with the moving company and/or storage company.
Continue packing.
Cut back on buying perishable food.
Make a list of those items that you will move personally.
Close unneeded accounts, such as your club membership.
One Week
Return library books.
Pick up dry cleaning and laundry.
Reserve a baby sitter, if needed, for moving day.
Drain gas and oil from power equipment.
Give away plants not being moved.
Two Days
Clean and defrost the refrigerator and freezer.
Close bank accounts, if needed.
Finish packing.
Pack a “survival box” of things that you will need at the new house: flashlight, light bulbs, bandages, soap, paper towels, toilet paper, some linens and towels, two pans, coffee, coffee pot, can opener, plastic cutlery, paper plates, cups, napkins, dish detergent, trash bag, scissors, utility knife, screwdriver, hammer, pliers, telephone. Load this box last or keep it in your car,
Day Before
Pick up rental van, if using.
Tie closed any sofa beds or trundle beds.
Moving Day
Confirm delivery address, directions, and delivery date with movers.
Be present to supervise.
Read moving contract before signing and keep it with you until your things are delivered.
Designate one person to stay with the rental truck to be in charge of loading. Load heaviest items first. Distribute weight evenly.
Thoroughly clean your house before leaving.
Check thermostat.
Lock doors and make sure appliances are turned off.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Giveaway Winner!
Congratulations to Paulette for wining our first ever Just Moved! Blog Giveaway.
Thank you to all of you who entered!
Thank you to all of you who entered!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Moving On Class Spotlight

May 2009
Bac In Tyme Cafe
Fort Mill, SC
Joanne Gibitz and Marge Farris, Class Leaders
We went forth in faith for our class #6. God has me on an unconventional path, but His path non-the-less. [We meet at] a local coffee cafe. It is run by a Christian woman who loves the idea of your classes. We have a private room and there is no pressure to purchase anything. I have prayed about this and truly feel that the Lord is leading me to this location for a reason.
Joanne Gibitz
Sunday, May 10, 2009
May Devotional-Do not fear, for I am with you

Do not fear, for I am with you
When you wake up in the morning, are you ever gripped with fear? Sometimes fear of the unknown will clutch our heart and flood our mind as we face the loss of a job, loss of a home, a serious illness, a major life change, or even loneliness.
Satan will use every opportunity to rob us of trusting God. He will use the fear in our lives to discredit the power of God to handle our situations. If we let Satan have a foot hold in our day, fear can be all-consuming and play havoc with our emotions.
Fear is not of God. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear...” (II Timothy 1:7) All through the Bible, two little words “fear not,” encourage us and reassure us that we can trust God, regardless of our situation.
In Isaiah 41:10, we are reminded why we need not fear. “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you…” The words, “I am with you” are comforting because we are assured that we are not alone. God’s presence is with us. The words, “I am your God” are a reminder that He is our personal God. He cares about every detail of our lives.
There are five reasons in Isaiah 41:10 why we should not give in to fear and discouragement:
1. I am with you.
2. I am your God.
3. I will strengthen you.
4. I will help you.
5. I will uphold you.
The next time you wake up in the morning, or in the middle of the night, and you are gripped with fear--take a deep breath, count to five, and repeat God’s personal promises to you!
Scripture to Remember: Isaiah 41:10 (see above)
Question to Consider: Am I living in fear?
Prayer: Lord, help me to remember the words, “fear not” when I find myself sinking in the despair of worry and discouragement. I release my fears to you, Lord. I will trust you in every situation I am facing. Amen
Thought for the Day: Today, I will dwell on the five reasons I should not give in to fear and discouragement.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Heart Talk from Susan Miller

Dear Moving Friends,
Don’t you just love this time of year! Spring is in full bloom! Nature is in harmony with colorful flowers, new green growth on tree branches, and birds chirping with joy. Yet for many of you who are in the emotional upheaval of a move, or face an unknown future with moving, the season of spring has not arrived in your life- there is a lack of harmony with those around you, you don't feel personal or spiritual growth in this transition, and there is no joy in your heart-yet.
Let me encourage you dear sisters, your spring will come, you will bloom again! This is a season of life you are going through, it has come to pass, it has not come to stay. I know, because I have gone through the same dry and dormant seasons before, during, and after a move. I have felt the same feelings, and faced many of the same situations in moving that you have, and I too, could not feel the sun shining in my life. Even when I couldn't pray for myself during those difficult times, God put other people in my life to pray for me. Now is the time for you to rest in God's promises, in His word, and in His faithfulness-and to know that I will pray for you.
So, tell me, how are YOU doing? How can I pray for you across the miles as I hold you close in my thoughts and my heart? Please take a minute to email me with your personal prayer requests. Not only will I pray for you, but you will be prayed for by all of us here at the Just Moved! Ministry office and your name will be written on our prayer board as a visual reminder of you.
If I could send each of you a spring bouquet of flowers to encourage your heart, I would. Instead, I'm sending you a bouquet of prayers, wrapped with my love and tied with a ribbon of God's hope.
In the morning, O Lord, Thou will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to Thee and eagerly watch. - Psalm 5:3
…Be gracious to me and hear my prayer. - Psalm 4:1
From My Heart to Yours,
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