Just Moved! strives to equip and encourage women who move through personal contact, Moving On After Moving In classes, newsletters, books, videos, seminars, conferences and prayer support. We are a non-denominational, outreach ministry that is committed to the spiritual growth and emotional well-being of women going through the transition and adjustment to a move.
A Moving On After Moving In Bible study is an excellent way to reach out to women experiencing the loss and loneliness of a move. They are eager to make friends and to be connected within a church like yours. During a move emotions are raw and hearts are more inclined to the Lord more than ever as women seek direction in their new community.
Moving On After Moving In is a 13-session Bible study that addresses a woman’s emotional struggles and the opportunities for spiritual growth as she starts over in a new community. It is based upon the book, After the Boxes are Unpacked, by the President of Just Moved Ministry, Susan Miller. A seasoned mover and popular speaker, Susan shares the biblical principles she learned as a result of her 14 moves.
The study takes women through the important stages necessary for a successful move: letting go of the past, starting over in a new community, and moving ahead with a new life. Not only does the study prepare, encourage, and equip a woman for the emotional and spiritual strain of such a major life change, it provides a wonderful way for women to make the friends and community connections they long for. Upon completion of the class, many women go on to serve in other capacities within the church.
Since 1995 this Bible study has been offered wherever women find themselves brand new and starting over: churches, military installations, homes, seminaries, missionary organizations, and corporate settings around the world.
The class is available in two formats.
1. The DVD Teaching Series can be viewed by members of the class and requires only a facilitator and a DVD player. In this format the women will watch Susan Miller teach a Moving On After Moving In class. A Facilitator’s Guide is included to help the Facilitator lead the discussion following each viewing.
2. The second format is the Class in a Box. It contains everything you need to offer a Moving On After Moving In class, including a Leader’s Manual, books, and Newcomer Workbooks. The Leader’s Manual provides a Class Leader with weekly lesson plans, chapter objectives, icebreakers, ideas for getting the women to share, visual aid suggestions, scripture references, and prayers.
For each format it is highly recommended that each class member has a copy of After the Boxes are Unpacked and a Newcomer’s Workbook that accompany the study, enrich the experience of each woman, and facilitate spiritual and emotional growth. (When you order After the Boxes are Unpacked for your group members from Just Moved, you receive a discount on the book and you support the ongoing efforts of the ministry to direct women to Jesus Christ as they experience a challenging time in their lives.)
A Moving On After Moving In leader or facilitator that registers her group with Just Moved Ministry is offered one-on-one guidance, teaching tools and ideas, a quarterly Leader’s Connection Newsletter, and promotion of her class on the Just Moved Ministry website.
For more information, please call Just Moved Ministry at 480.991.5268, 9am to 4pm, MST.