Dear Moving Friends,
With summer behind you, and fall just around the corner, life is once again regaining a rhythm of routine and schedules that seemed lost in the casual days of summer. Vacations are over, time off from work has come and gone, and children are back in school. Some of you may have a daughter, or son, going away to college, or moving away from home for the first time. Perhaps you might have experienced great sorrow over the summer from circumstances beyond your control. Or you might still be in the midst of settling in after a move, and haven’t even come up for air yet. You might be thinking, “I didn’t even have a summer break, and I’m spiritually, emotionally, and physically drained from the stress, pain, and chaos in my life.” This brings me to my question, ”How are you doing?” I want to go beyond your smile. I know so well how a smile can cover a multitude of feelings. I want to go straight to your heart. You might need to stop right now--pour yourself a cup of coffee, or make a cup of tea—as you ponder your answer. Now, take a deep breath, and listen up my friends. Here are some ways that I have learned to restore a broken heart, calm raw emotions, and strengthen a spiritual relationship with God.
It’s okay to cry. With change, comes loss. With loss, comes grieving. With grieving, come tears. Give yourself permission to grieve the change and loss in your life.
Remember you are not alone. It’s easy to slip into a pattern of thinking you’re carrying stress, pain, and even chaos, all by yourself. Remind yourself through God’s word that He will never leave you, fail you, or forget you. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Recall God’s faithfulness in your life. Oh, how easily we forget! Sometimes I can become so consumed in seeing only what’s happening right now, and how it’s not going according to the “plan of Susan” that I forget God’s faithful track record with me in the past. He has always met all my needs, although not necessarily all my wants (Philippians 4:19). It is all according to His plan, not mine!
Stay grounded in what’s important. A lot of things might be going on in your life right now, and to-do lists are getting longer. Sometimes you just need to pull back to center and get your feet back on the ground before you can move forward. Are you listening to the voice of the world, or the voice of God? God’s to-do list is short, just “Come, follow me” (Matthew 19:21). He also says, “Abide in Me” (John 15:4). Then everything else will fall in place.
Stop and smell the flowers. In other words, take time to be good to yourself. Schedule some self-care by taking a break to rest your body, renew your mind, and restore your spirit.
Count your blessings. Regardless of your circumstances, put aside all the “what ifs” and the “if onlys” and start counting your blessings! “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)
It was one year ago on August 9th, that my beloved husband, Bill, moved to his eternal home and is now residing in heaven with Jesus--free from the pain of cancer. With summer behind me, I begin another busy fall schedule of teaching, speaking and overseeing Just Moved Ministry. Through ministering to you, I am able to redeem the pain and grief of my own loss. Together, we CAN move forward.
From My Heart to Yours,
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