South Mountain Community Church, Draper, UT
Maureen Maldonado, - Class Leader
From Co-Leader, Michelle Calmy...
I was born and raised in Las Vegas, and hadn't budged until October 10, 2009. That is when we moved to Draper, UT.
As the class was letting go, I was letting go. As the class was starting over, so was I. And as I helped the class move forward, I was in the process of moving forward myself. This class forced me to reach out beyond my comfort zone, and take the first step, make the first phone call, offer love and support to a wonderful group of women that, 11 weeks ago, I hardly knew. Moving to a new city for the very first time in my life, I would have never taken those steps. I would have just driven in my garage and shut the garage door while shutting out the rest of the neighborhood, the new friends that I would not have made, and essentially the rest of my new Utah world. I would still be clinging to everything that I left in Las Vegas, instead of cherishing it.
I honestly had no idea how much this class could change the lives of women who feel pain from their losses - sometimes even feeling hopeless - that it may never get better. I believe that there is now hope. I believe that we are now moving forward, with the help of Just Moved Ministry.
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