Do you know that most families move between Memorial Day and Labor Day? That means many of you are facing a move over the summer, with the hope that you will be settled in by the time school starts. It’s kind of overwhelming, isn’t it? When I think about all you have to do to get ready to move, I want to show up at your front door and give you a hug, help you pack boxes, bring you dinner, or just listen as you sort through all the emotions that you are feeling.
You are especially on my mind during this summer time of transition. I receive many prayer requests concerning upcoming summer moves. Your emails are heart-warming as you pour out your prayer needs—for your own struggles, your marriage relationship, your children, family members, jobs, selling and buying a home—all the issues that come with change.
I am reminded of what my five-year-old grandson, Steven, says when everyone sits down to eat at the kitchen table, "Let’s talk about God!" (Which means to him, it’s time to pray!) With the same joy that comes from a child, I encourage you to "talk about God" this summer as you and your family begin the process of moving. First, come to Him with a grateful heart, as you talk about His faithfulness and His blessings in your life. Share together the times you felt His presence, His peace and His comfort. Talk about Him often to help you keep perspective. Then, through prayer, make your requests known to God. He is there with you, to sustain you, guide you, and walk with you through this time of change in your life.
Know that all of us at Just Moved! consider it a privilege to pray for you. In fact, you can now send your prayer requests to us all year long! Anytime, day or night, email us and let us know how we can pray for you and your family.
Take a deep breath, my friends. Try to get some rest over the summer before life gets too crazy again. Renew your heart as you recall God’s faithfulness, and refresh your spirit as you go to His word for refuge.
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