Dear Moving Friends,
Thanks for stopping by our website and reading Heart Talk. I like to imagine that you have a cup of coffee in hand and are taking a much needed break in your busy day as you read this. Although I can't see your face or hear your voice, I am grateful for this connection to you.
The weather is warming up in my corner of the world. Signs of spring are here! New growth is appearing on bare branches, flower buds are beginning to form on plants, and the grass is turning from a dismal brown to a brilliant green. Hallelujah!
It is at this time of the year that I am always reminded that we can have a "Spring" season in our own lives as well. New growth for us can come after a dormant winter, hope can be renewed, hearts can be refreshed. From the dark of winter, comes the dawn of spring. From the darkness of Christ being crucified, to the dawn of His resurrection--we have hope for tomorrow. We can lay our hurts, weariness, disappointments, and losses at the foot of the cross, leaving them at the feet of Jesus. We can start over, and move forward; renewed with hope because of Christ. Hallelujah!
Wouldn't it be great if we could all take a deep breath at the same time all over the world, as we breathe in Jesus, and breathe out our worries and concerns? Breathe in right now, and let Jesus permeate every part of your mind, body, and soul. Then breathe out and release your burdens, worries, and concerns to Him. Let the bare places in your life take on new growth from God's word. Begin to "bloom where you are planted" by growing deep roots in God's unconditional love. Lay your burdens down at the feet of Jesus and allow yourself to feel the warmth of the "son". Yes, spring has come! Hallelujah!
From My Heart to yours,
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