Do you feel as if every time you turn on the television or radio you are bombarded with more “doom and gloom” about the economy? To top it all off, you may be trying to sell a home or find a job – never easy, even in a good economy. It would be easy to get discouraged and to imagine a bleak future were it not for one thing: Jesus is in that future and we must never forget to picture Him in it. Our “boat” will not sink while He is in it! (Read Matthew 8:23-27) When your “boat” is tossed about by the “waves” of circumstance, practice these ten steps to...
...Winning Over Worry.
1. Don’t give up. Hope in God.
2. Walk by faith, not by sight.
3. Take time out for a good laugh.
4. Use the Bible as a window to see your world.
5. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.
6. Make choices based on God’s Word.
7. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
8. Ask for God’s strength to get you through.
9. Stop and enjoy the moment.
10. Pray as if everything depended upon God – it does.
From Love’s Little Recipes for Life by Linda Shepherd
Great tips! That helps a lot.