Friday, August 20, 2010

Moving Story- Aug 2010

God has taught me and is teaching me so much through my moves...

Heather in Texas

A friend of mine recommended you to me a few years ago. Last year I found out about your teaching on DVD (download). Your DVD’s have been a powerful help in understanding the stages and process of moving. Thank you so much for your ministry. I’m moving on now, in large part due to the wisdom and experience God gave you in your many moves!

God has taught me and is teaching me so much through my moves. I don’t take friends or small groups or even volunteering for granted as I did when I lived in my hometown. Most importantly, I’m certain that there is no way I would have grown in my relationship with the Lord if I’d never moved. I’ve matured as a result. Moving and losing my external support structures caused me to desperately seek the Lord and learn to know Him as friend. Out of sheer loneliness, I developed a habit of daily quiet time with Him. I have actually done those 10-week bible studies on my own at home without a small group just because I was so lonely and desperate to meet with Him and get His love! Moving has caused me to see how little I really depended on God’s comfort and sufficiency. In so many ways, I can see that my hometown represented “Egypt” for me. I was in bondage in ways that I didn’t realize until God called us away. Each move brings us closer to our “promised land” and I find more healing and freedom in each place, as I trust Him.
Even though I don’t know you, I love you and think of you as a friend! I will absolutely remember your ministry and recommend you to others who need help moving on.

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