We are excited to announce the first ever Just Moved! blog giveaway!! We hope the response will be great and this will be the first of many giveaways!
Our prize is the Scripture Flip Book valued at $10.
Scripture Flip Book
Scriptures for Women Who Move Spiral-bound flip book features all the scriptures referenced in 'After the Boxes are Unpacked.' Smartly organized into 3 sections to provide women with encouragement as they learn to Let Go, Start Over, and Move Ahead after a move.
These scriptures will minister God's hope, comfort, and encouragement to you during a time of transition in your life or in the life of someone you care about. A wonderful way to read and memorize scriptures that will soothe your heart and bring peace to your soul.
5.5 x 4.25

- All entries must be submitted by May 15th 12 pm mountain time zone.
- Enter by leaving a comment on this blog post on why you would like to win
- For extra entries (1 extra entry for each that you do):
- become a "follower" of the just moved blog (see right-hand side bar)
- follow the link "Contribute to the Just Moved Blog" (found in the right-hand side bar under Resources) or click here AND share your moving story or testimony about your Moving On Class
- become a "fan" on the Just Moved! Facebook page AND leave a comment on our wall letting us know that you're a new "fan" and want to be entered into our giveaway Just Moved! Facebook Page
- join the Just Moved! Community by going to Just Moved! Community and visit the message board leaving a commment that you want to be entered in to the giveaway drawing! It's FREE!
- Mention our giveaway on your personal blog AND provide a link to this post. Please provide us with a link to your blog post in a separate comment
- One winner will be chosen by random drawing and notified by email
- Prize value $10 + free shipping
- Open to our readers Worldwide! Please note, that duties will not be included in the prize amount-you will be responsible for fees applied by your country.
Just Moved! Ministries holds all blog reader information collected for contests and giveaways in strict confidence. We do not sell or share email addresses with any other entities. Winners’ information such as name, mailing address and phone number is collected for the sole purpose of providing products winnings as described on this web site.