Rosalie in Manitoba, Canada, Part II
(JM – I hope you read Rosalie’s moving story last month as she shared what she and many other women experience as “still moved”: despite the passage of years since a move, she is still adjusting and not “at home”. Well... printing Rosalie’s story prompted her to send an update! Whether you’re “still moved” or a recent mover, Rosalie will show you how she made choices that led to growth, and spiritual and emotional health in spite of her circumstances. You’ll also find out about a big change in store for Rosalie and her family!)
Thriving – not just surviving – in a difficult move...
While moving has been an adventure, it has also been full of challenges and, as the mom/wife, has especially felt like a personal sacrifice at times since I wasn’t the one moving to an exciting new career. Nevertheless, I have constantly sought to focus on the positives, the growth, and the discoveries. By moving we were able to accomplish dreams such as having a nicer home without me having to work fulltime to pay for it. I thank God I have a kitchen where the cupboard doors stay on the hinges and there are no mice running around.
In our two moves, we have been able to experience new geography, climate and culture. We now have a collection of friends from various parts of the country and an understanding of how things are done in each place. Our character has been challenged when we’ve gotten frustrated by crazy new traffic signs and rules of a new city. We’ve experienced the foggy, overcast winter of the West and the minus 40 degree winters of the Prairies.
We’ve adjusted to the blank stares and disinterest we get when striking up a conversation about our home town. We are quite familiar with the run-around we feel when we start in a new church and have to prove ourselves all over again.
The difficulties have challenged me to become creative and bold in finding what it is I need for myself. I have forced myself out of my comfort zone many times. I have a dog I take for walks, usually by myself, where I have met lots of dog-walking strangers. I’ve said yes to opportunities where I began as a volunteer that progressed into paid assignments. I’ve taken courses by teleconferencing and have built a network and a business online – one I can take with me if I move. I take my Facebook connections seriously. I have a deep understanding of the issues of a woman’s heart, especially the moving woman. Our relationship as a couple has withstood many tests, as has our faith, especially when we’ve had cabin fever and turned on each other, or felt abandoned by God. What I mean by cabin fever, is that which comes by nature of being each other’s best friends and spending a lot of time in our own home because it is just too hard to find other deep friends and places to go for holidays and so forth.
I’ve sought to provide my family with what I feel it needs to be happy and well-rounded. I’ve spent umpteen hours planning getaways that not only have included visiting family back home, but fun places the children hadn’t been to, turning over every stone I could find in the general vicinity.
I have made it a priority to work at making sure certain things happen, like birthday parties, going to a yearly Christmas Eve service even if it’s in a church where we don’t know anyone, taking in a Christmas light tour, and baking the traditional Christmas cookies even if it would be only the four of us eating them. I have made sure that we have technology-free family fun days, lunches out together and that we always try to include the children’s friends in our activities. We have sought to be part of a small group in a church, and to stay true to our values.
Recently we’ve had a surprise. Two months ago my husband was told his job is changing again. It looks like this summer, after 13 years away from our homeland, we will be returning. This wasn’t something we sought out, but that was proposed to us. At first it jolted us, but now we see God’s loving hand in it.
We don’t look forward to the hard work of selling a home, travelling to buy a new one and all the other thousands of things that need to happen with a move; but we will head back home stronger, more mature, with better personal boundaries and a stronger sense of what it is we need included in our lives to feel grounded and more appreciative of that environment. We are looking forward to what lies ahead, after all, for some of us there’s no place like home.
Just Moved! strives to equip and encourage women who move through personal contact, Moving On After Moving In classes, newsletters, books, videos, seminars, conferences and prayer support. We are a non-denominational, outreach ministry that is committed to the spiritual growth and emotional well-being of women going through the transition and adjustment to a move.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas from Just Moved!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Dec. Devotional
Drop everything and run to Jesus...
Read and meditate on the story of Christ’s birth as recounted in The Message translation of the Bible.
"There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God’s angel stood among them and God’s glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, 'Don’t be afraid. I’m here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.'
At once the angel was joined by a huge angelic choir singing God’s praises:
Glory to God in the heavenly heights,
Peace to all men and women on earth who please him.
As the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the sheepherders talked it over. 'Let’s get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can and see for ourselves what God has revealed to us.' They left, running, and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger. Seeing was believing. They told everyone they met what the angels had said about this child. All who heard the sheepherders were impressed.
Mary kept all these things to herself, holding them dear, deep within herself. The sheepherders returned and let loose, glorifying and praising God for everything they had heard and seen. It turned out exactly the way they’d been told!"
Luke 2:8-20
Scripture to Remember: Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.…” John 14:6
Question to Consider: When was the last time you dropped everything you were doing and ran to Jesus?
Prayer: Oh Jesus, I am in awe of you as I read the story of your birth. May it always be fresh and new to me each time I read it. Let the words penetrate my heart and stir an excitement in me about your coming to be our Savior. Let me live with the same joy as the sheepherders as I proclaim your glory this Christmas season. Amen
Thought for the Day: Today, and every day, I will glorify and praise God for the great things He has done!
Friday, December 18, 2009
S.E. Region PWOC

Military Outreach - S.E. Region Protestant Women of the Chapel ConferenceNearly 400 women representing 20 military installations attended the S.E. Region PWOC Conference in Duluth, GA, November 5-8, 2009. Susan presented three workshops: one workshop was “How To Start Over After Your Boxes Are Unpacked” and her other workshop, “How To Survive Your Circumstances and Confront The Changes in Your Life During Tough Times”, was chosen to be repeated for an extra day of workshops.
Susan was enthusiastically received and spoke to a packed room each time. When she wasn’t speaking, Susan and JoAnn Smith were at the Just Moved! Ministries exhibit table. There was a steady flow of military wives coming by to share their stories and find encouragement from Susan and JoAnn’s listening ears, warm hugs, and tender prayers.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
moving Tips- Dec 2009
Gift-Giving Ideas for Far Flung Friends and Family
If you’re far from family and friends, but plan to send them Christmas gifts, how do you do it in a way that doesn’t require collecting boxes from the produce department of the grocery store, searching for the bag of packaging peanuts that you’re sure you saved last summer, and standing in line at the post office? Here are a few ideas to simplify long-distance gift giving.
Give to a favorite charity
Does Mom volunteer at the Humane Society? Your brother, Bill, sings in a community choir? Let them know that you will be giving a donation to their organizations to show support for what is important to them.
Pay for a helpful service
Is your closest friend hosting family or the company party for Christmas? Arrange to pay for a cleaning service to spruce up her house and give her one less responsibility.
Gift Cards
Purchase and send gift cards for restaurants or stores that you know are in the area. National chains like Starbucks and Home Depot are everywhere!
Event Tickets
By using the internet, you can learn about upcoming concerts and events in any city in the world. Do a little research in the area where your loved ones live and purchase tickets for them to an event you know they’ll love.
Buy online
More and more people are turning to the internet to purchase gifts that can be mailed directly to the recipients. Many mail-order businesses offer free shipping for a minimum purchase. Be sure to shop online using to have a portion of your purchases benefit Just Moved. Just designate Just Moved as who you support.
Magazine Subscription
Buy a gift subscription for a magazine that pertains to the interests of a long-distance loved one. There are magazines to suit everyone’s interests: from outdoor living to needlepoint, from Civil War history to video games.
Outdoor Adventure!
Through the internet you can purchase an exciting adventure for the outdoor enthusiast on your list. With just the click of a mouse you can find hot-air balloon rides or river kayaking lessons that are offered around the country.
Invest in an Interest
Does your brother-in-law enjoy playing golf, but wishes he was better? Arrange for a lesson with a golf pro in his area. Does your sister enjoy cooking? Purchase a gift certificate for her to take a cooking class at a local kitchen store. Do they wish that they had more time together? Pay for some ballroom dancing lessons! (Dancing With the Stars is bringing ballroom dancing back!)
No matter what you choose to send your loved ones this Christmas, be sure to express your love and appreciation for each person. Be specific! Tell each person at least one quality that you love about him or her.
If you’re far from family and friends, but plan to send them Christmas gifts, how do you do it in a way that doesn’t require collecting boxes from the produce department of the grocery store, searching for the bag of packaging peanuts that you’re sure you saved last summer, and standing in line at the post office? Here are a few ideas to simplify long-distance gift giving.
Give to a favorite charity
Does Mom volunteer at the Humane Society? Your brother, Bill, sings in a community choir? Let them know that you will be giving a donation to their organizations to show support for what is important to them.
Pay for a helpful service
Is your closest friend hosting family or the company party for Christmas? Arrange to pay for a cleaning service to spruce up her house and give her one less responsibility.
Gift Cards
Purchase and send gift cards for restaurants or stores that you know are in the area. National chains like Starbucks and Home Depot are everywhere!
Event Tickets
By using the internet, you can learn about upcoming concerts and events in any city in the world. Do a little research in the area where your loved ones live and purchase tickets for them to an event you know they’ll love.
Buy online
More and more people are turning to the internet to purchase gifts that can be mailed directly to the recipients. Many mail-order businesses offer free shipping for a minimum purchase. Be sure to shop online using to have a portion of your purchases benefit Just Moved. Just designate Just Moved as who you support.
Magazine Subscription
Buy a gift subscription for a magazine that pertains to the interests of a long-distance loved one. There are magazines to suit everyone’s interests: from outdoor living to needlepoint, from Civil War history to video games.
Outdoor Adventure!
Through the internet you can purchase an exciting adventure for the outdoor enthusiast on your list. With just the click of a mouse you can find hot-air balloon rides or river kayaking lessons that are offered around the country.
Invest in an Interest
Does your brother-in-law enjoy playing golf, but wishes he was better? Arrange for a lesson with a golf pro in his area. Does your sister enjoy cooking? Purchase a gift certificate for her to take a cooking class at a local kitchen store. Do they wish that they had more time together? Pay for some ballroom dancing lessons! (Dancing With the Stars is bringing ballroom dancing back!)
No matter what you choose to send your loved ones this Christmas, be sure to express your love and appreciation for each person. Be specific! Tell each person at least one quality that you love about him or her.
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