Friday, January 14, 2011

A Moving Story

From east coast to west coast... from anger to peace

Marnya, a military spouse in VA

I thank you for the recent phone call and email. I was so surprised that someone called me. I was unsure about joining the community but, now I see that this is a real community of people that truly care. I thank you so much for taking out the time to call and send me an email it made me feel like someone actually care about the transition I am about to embark on.

I am a military wife and my husband has been stationed in Japan for the last year. It has been a very hard year without my spouse, but I am home with my family and friends for support. My husband is awaiting new orders for his next duty station.

All year I have prayed that we will stay home and have been pretty much selfish about the moving thing - even angry at times. But I decided to seek God about the matter and, after all my kicking and screaming, I am at peace that we must move in order to keep the family together and not spend any more time apart.

Driving home from work one day, I heard about this ministry on a broadcast called Family Life Today. I was so surprised to hear that there was such a ministry. I thought, "Wow God, you really know what I need." It has been a month or two since that drive home and recently I decided to check out the website. The website was great and so encouraging. ...I look forward to the things to come as I transition to a new location.

The move from the east coast to the west coast is very scary, but I am trying to trust and believe God that everything will be ok.

Editor's note: Since Marnya sent in her story, she has made the move to the west coast and, while the transition has not been easy, she writes, " is getting easier to make friends and reach out to others. The key word is 'reach out'. I had to make myself available to make friends. I am learning to be content no matter what situation or location I am in. I am learning to trust God in everything. Thank you and the Just Moved Ministry for your prayers and support."

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