Dear Moving Friends,
Don’t be discouraged! Spring is coming! I can feel the difference in the air when I’m outside. I can see new green growth on bare tree and plant branches. Flowers and green grass are emerging on what was a barren winter landscape. The sun is brighter and stronger and seems to cast a glow on whatever it touches. It is as though nature is echoing the resurrection.
Rising within you can be a resurrected hope and a resurrected opportunity for a new beginning. Spring is a reminder to me of our risen Lord, who gives us the assurance of new life, a second chance, and a fresh start.
Take time this Easter, to allow a season of Spring to emerge in your heart. Feel the difference God’s presence brings all around you. See new growth come from within. With the fullness of His beauty, He will fill the emptiness of your life. It is the Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, who will cast light on our darkness and change whoever He touches!
I welcome Spring. I celebrate our risen Lord. I embrace the change that emerges in my heart from knowing and trusting Him. I am grateful that in Him I am a new person, filled with His eternal hope!
Happy Spring! Rejoice, He is Risen!
From My Heart to Yours,
Susan Miller
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